New Patch Keeps On Crashing

After release of the last patch the game keeps randomly crashing when entering to a new area. Tower (Black Marsh Act1) but happened also in different areas. It drops me a crash message in windows and game is gone. Wasn’t happening before last update anyone else experiencing this issue?

Update: 19/04/22 So it just happened to me again entering Tower on Hell difficulty and here is the Report ID: 35C537C8-4D76-4AC0-857F-49B9004A5F6E
20/04/22 Report ID: CE1A3877-77E9-4433-8C07-BBC7D07B575F (again Tower entering from lvl1 to lvl2)

Update: 10/03/23 same issue 9140B6EE-29A9-4416-838D-0DAB61480A78


have you sent in the crash test notes to tech

can you post them here so we can have a peek

Sure thing. If it happens again I will post the code here. But I think I have send details to Blizzard as well multiple times through the window that popped up after the crash. Will share the details here if it happens again.


It also happened to me several times that the game crashed in Blackmarsh - when entering the tower or when changing the level there, e.g. tower level 1 to level 2

It happend for me 3 times today when I tried to enter the Tower in Black Marsh not any where else

I have these problems too. Now even in the middle of the game.
Before the patch everything worked fine.
This is one of the error codes:


Warm greetings from Germany

EDIT: I always send the bug report to Blizzard

Game keeps crashing for me as well, also on The Countess runs usually on some floor of the tower. Already have 4-5 crashes for 2 hours of running.

just happened to me in the middle of the game, when I was running/teleporting within one of the levels of the tower and I didn’t even get a crash window this time for some reason so I can’t even share the code.

But it also happens when I am playing with my mates and when we do Baal walk runs for example my mate’s game crashed from entering lvl2 to lvl3. But my guess is that there is something going on when changing/entering to any lvl/area in the game in different acts (even though the Tower seems to be the most affected). Had some crushes in act 3 also doing Mephisto runs.

Thanks for sharing the code. Hopefully more people can do the same.

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Same here. Crashed about 4-5 times yesterday in less than an hour/half an hour running Hell countess with a sorc. I think it was always on level 3, when clicking to go to level 4.

Decided to play a different character in a different area and no further crashes after that.

this is a big issue, it washappening durng the PTR and i mentioned it in notes as i’m sure a lot of people did. but running keys right now it crashes maybe 1 in 3 times going through the tower

In comtessa tower you walk to lover level and game crashes