People crushing games to do mf

would effectivly double the loot. if they make some changes with the implemenation of playsersx, that would be no problem for the market, because you also need more time killing the monsters if you are playing alone.
necesary changes are:

no additional exp gain using players
hard lower kurast nerf
hard cs seal popping nerf

problem is, that only few builds are viable to kill monsters on p8. it could result in a reduction of builds played by the gamers.
atm one of the most efficient killers in p1 is the summoner necro with infinity merc, maxed ce and enigma.
such a build would be totally crap in an 8 players game.

Why? you are killing p8 you should be rewarded more, and lower kurast maps do not persist

does not matter wether lk maps persists or not. droprate for hr >gul is game breaking if you can set the players to 8 and farm lk. what is the sense in the regular droprates of this runes when there is a farmspot with gives you a 1:1700 chance of such a rune per chest? everyone would do lk runs 24/7 from scratch if you implement p8. would be the best farmspot ingame.
seal popping is self-explained. really. you cannot let this mechanic in game, especially if you consider implementing p8.

define gamebreaking
 because i need to find 8 jahs and 10 bers for my builds, if in your opinion gamebreaking means that a ber is 100 fg as opposed to 3k, like it was in OG LOD vs D2R, than sorry to disappoint, i am one of those dinosaurs that plays selffoung and only use jsp to find some weird bases to build weird stuff in it, bases that almost no one is bothering to pick up. As to the second quote “everyone doing LK” as opposed in LOD were bots ran 24/7 to supply the needed runes, at least here players would run the LK and not bots (mostly).
Seal popping is subject to another discussion, but the p8 has merits, it would help most of the people that play selffound mostly and chose to play on bnet for whatever reasons (multiple computers, pvp, play with friends, etc etc)

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you can watch some lk singleplayer runners how they do 500-1000 runs and see the broken mechanik live. the droprate for higher runes and even mid runes is absurd. according to the fact, that runes are by now the most valuable items, we would see a massive drop of value on the market.

furthermore its just really stupid to have up to 2 superchests in an area without any threat which you can effordless reach with a beginner sorc. if you compare the runedroprate(1:1700) with mephisto(1:50000) it should be obvious, that this cannot be part of the basic rules of the game.

if you need to find 8 jahs and 10 bers selffound, than the p8 instruction will support you more than enough to decrease the no droprate of cows and monsters in cs. a broken farmspot is not needed. it only ruins the item balance and the personal experience, because there is no alternative to lk. even cs runs and cowruns are a joke compared to lk. in an 8 player game nerf this shit and p8 can come.

Ive read many, many ridiculous ideas asking for nerfs, but i never ever thought that i would read someone begging for a nerf in lower kurast superchests drop rates.

Those guys that spend like 3 days 4/6h a day popping chests in lk to get a damn dirty sur rune without getting bored/tired or having suicide drives are heros for me, they well deserve their hrs lmao.

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yeah and i find it ridiculous not seeing how broken lk is in combination with p8. should not take any brainpower to realise this. should not take much effort to understand the far reaching consequences this would have to the market and player behaviour on bnet.

join a random baalrungame and try to open the chests. there is always a person, often more than 1 who is going out for a search after them. imagine there is no 8player game necessary anymore. what will happen? ppl do 200 baalruns and mephisto runs a day. they will also do 500 kurast runs on p8 if they implement it.

The players X command in multiplayer creates too many new problems.

In my opinion, a better solution is to stop giving multiplayer bonus xp and drops when people are not in the same area.

So in an 8 player baalrun, where 5 players are in the throne room, 2 players are doing chaos and 1 person is doing lower kurast, the 5 players are getting xp and drops for 5 players, the 2 players in chaos are getting xp and drops for 2 players and the person in lower kurast is getting the same xp and drops as if he were playing alone.

This way, multiplayer is only rewarding when people are actually playing together.


I do not care about market.


F K why I never came up with this idea :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

WHAT MARKET? JSP? Most of the players don’t use it, A lot of the players would welcome a overabundace of bers so they can play their Light chars, A lot of melees would love an abundance of los for fortis and griefs. Your market is a lie, if you have personal interest in “value” of pixels, fine but most of people don’t, and I’ve been playing this game for freggin 20 years, seen it all hex charms white and occy rings.
Again due to the non persistance of maps, it is not as lucrative as you may think as in SP ppl reset maps to be close to WP AND to have 2-3 camps there. In BNET you have to find the camps and most of the times there will be only one. So for me p8 cows/cs/wk is far far superior in MP

in theory yes but it’s not that hard to have an algorithm that when your p8 game is joined by 1 player it drops to p7+1 etc


Ähhh, doch? Es löst dein “Problem” vollumfĂ€nglich 

Es wĂŒrde das Problem nur dann nicht lösen, wenn du niemanden auf deiner Liste hast, mit dem du spielen möchtest, oder der mit dir spielen möchte 
 was dann schon eher zu vermuten ist in deinem Fall. :man_shrugging:

cows and cs at p8 are not superior to lk with 8 players, because you have a 1:1700 dropchance per chest for 3 chests at 1 bonfire. compared to cs/cows, you have perhaps a 1:2000 dropchance of hrs, per run, a great difference. even with a non static map a lk run should not take more time then 40secs.

if you dont like trading thats ok. but your single opinion and personal needs should not be the premise for such structural changes. a lot of people are very conform with trading and enjoy a fresh market. trading was always a great aspect of d2 and hopefully always will be.
main reason for many ppl to start over and over again in a new league.
besides jsp, there are plenty of possibilities where you can do you trade now. several discord servers, where you can do great trades with low tier items.

so if blizz implements new ideas like ploot or the p8 instruction, that would be ok for me, but not without rebalancing some aspects which get op along with such changes.

have you seen the reddit /rdiablo? ppl there are going wild about some changes, i am for as little as possible but i would never “balance” something by nerfing some aspects.
Time will tell i guess as they will start anoouncing stuff in the near future but if i were to bet on something, i would not bet on them nerfing stuff by adding ploot or p8 in bnet games.

so in your opinion if i want to do quests i need to play solo so other people dont come in and kill all bosses in my game (created by me with a particular title) what is the point playing on multiplayer then?
I tried today to go through act 2 and made 4 new games so people with the same business could join but all 4 times keyhunters ruined the games by the time we got to that part of A2

there is no point indeed. do not listen to dinosaurs, they always crash others games but are against /player x in online, which actually is the same think.

You can still do whatever you want but just stop qq about intended mechanics. If ppl join “your” open game: live with it

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I am just expressing my opinion, if you don’t like it - fine. After all i read in this post I am still convinced that having a kick option would improve the game.

Deine Meinung kannste auch still und leise fĂŒr dich behalten, da muss man nicht extra ein weiteres Thema zu im Forum eröffnen. :man_facepalming:

Wenn das jeder machen wĂŒrde hĂ€tten wir 100 Themen fĂŒr jede einzelne Sache hier im Forum ( 100 Themen ĂŒber MF, 100 darĂŒber dass der Lobby Chat broken ist und 1347 darĂŒber, dass - angeblich - die Dropchance fĂŒr Items kaputt ist 

Aber Hauptsache man hat großkotzig rumgegrölt, dass man ja nur seine Meinung dazu nĂ€her bringen wollte 
 :man_shrugging: :-1:

Is there any info on this? I personally absolutely hate trading. I don’t like dealing with people in real life, much less trading for pixels. I’m really curious what % of the playerbase has to suffer garbage drops so the traders can be happy.