Players 1-8 pls make option for alone players with Online-char

… and the limitation is not that you HAVE to play with others.
As your example with the editor - this is unwanted so it‘s not working.

Tashino nailed it pretty good :+1:


make loot private and problem is solved with multiplayer.


Yeah it’s amazing these people think they are kings and queens of online gaming and get to decide how and when other people are allowed to play… Must be amazing to live in the mind of those people :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s exactly what you are saying…

That would be a real game changer in terms of multiplayer.
Lot of people avoid open parties because it‘s all about „just grab a lot“.
But I don‘t belive that this could be implemented with a reasonable effort - maybe we see it in D4 …

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Player 8 for online play is unwanted too.

That’s not at all what I’m saying though. You don’t seem to be able to seperate backing up my arguments with dictating.
Here’s a helpful hint: Someone disagreeing with you doesn’t make them evil :slight_smile:

Yeah and did you ever think that maybe you are the one that is wrong? Seems like there is a lot more people here that want /players 8 in non ladder online than not. So you just keep popping in here and say no it’s ok if it makes you feel happy.

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Thx all for response, I love this game but in online gaming too many players join in online and after kill boss go off… Me reason was make this P1-8 only if y are alone in online game,Thx, good hunt and luck

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For everyone saying “online” mode is for playing with other people, what solution(s) can you suggest to mitigate randoms from nicking ALL the loot? Other than to ask them all nicely to share? Also, why is it possible to play solo in online mode?


I Agree the players8 or players4 limited to 4 when you play solo should work also in online mode. It takes me forever in hell 1 mode to save the necessary runes for Enigma for example. I tried joining online games but there s just no fun. They rush like chickens to a boss or other goal most of the time. I hardly can follow where the group is at the moment.
Usually when i fiinally found them they killed the boss and all leave the game. There s no fun in that.

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How about getting faster…better…adapting to the conditions…instead of asking being handed better loot without putting in extra effort!
On the other hand if you target only bosses you will never get that Enigma.

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There are more drop when there are more players because you have to share loot between players.
What you want is more drop without sharing, and you pretend that it is fair.
It is not better than a bug exploit.


who cares? multiplayer is dead with shared loot after some weeks post reset.

searching for cow or baalrungames for mfing is a huge pain in the ass.

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LOL What a joke if you knew how much effort i put in raising my gear by only playing Hell solo you would never make this kind of remark. Its way easier to get good loot by rushing mp 8 runs in the lobby. Then doing it solo. Its just no fun thats why i dont play this kind of games that much.

you can ofc get good loot if you do cs alone with hammerdin. runs last only 2-3 min and you can do hundreds a day. problem is, it is boring as fuck after some weeks and playing together with friends makes no sense besides split mf.
in an 8 player game you get 200% more loot from normal monsters due to no drop chance, but its pretty annoying to search for a suitable lobby. i think it would be ok if you make loot private along some chances (exclude anni and torch, perhabs keys) and everybody would be happy.

As private loot is not implemented, you don´t have to share your loot with anyone, as long as you are alone in your area.
Pro gamers are running Baal Games and distribute their group into the most valuable areas, trolling Others not to join their mission for the perfect loot/experience gain and stop damage on Baal.
Public Games are rather useless, new friends not on the horizon.
Therefore I have to tell you: Your view on “fairness” is wrong. If everyone can play /players 2-8 the dice fall even for everyone.

then it will look like this:
ladder start = act 3 chest farm only
late game = 99% hammerdins
runes no longer have any value
no multiplayer
no baal dia cow runs nothing

just play singleplayer or go play diablo 3


Nothing will change, except that everyone will progress faster and more people will finally get their Crown of Ages, Griffon´s Eye, etc.

Sorry, but your Hammerdin reference can only be understood as a joke. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
People don´t chose “online” Mode to play alone.

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the /players instruction would lead to a reduction in gaming fun, because everyone would only run hammerdin and light sorc because of more loot. no need to play sum nec or any other class, which cant get along with p8. private loot would be much greater. ppl could organise different chars in a group and you could only play the game to get items. you wouldnt need to do stupid mephisto runs alone with the blizz sorc.