Please continue the development of D2R

Dear Blizzard,
I know you stopped the dev of D2R because you are afraid that it could cannibalise your D4 game. But you’d be wrong. Actual D2 lover would turn to POE instead.
So to keep the player base, please go back to the drawing board to help D2R have an actual futur. Either by truly enabling mods with advanced feature (and multiplayer capabilities) or simply restart the dev of the game.
It shows big time why you did this as a company, and greed never won the long game.
Please give D2R some love, it’s the best game you (re)made in the past decade.


i cant agree more ! 100%

Yes i agree ! That´s what i mean in my Post with the Endgame Maps like in Path of Diablo.

I play PoE2 with much fun atm but i am 100% back 2 Diablo 2 Resurrected when Blizzard will make some nice Endgame Content for D2R.

Also in my Opinion Diablo 2 Resurrected has the best Grafik in my Eyes :muscle: :sunglasses:

Again i make this Post with big Hope :slight_smile:

Have a Nice Day @ll

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Are the developers doing anything else?
For half a year now, the same problem has been persisting: set items and unique items that are upgraded in the Horadrim Cube are no longer wearable?!?
Why are now the new runewords not now avaible in nonladder games?
Diablo 2 is dead

As long as I am playing, Diablo 2 is NOT dead. :wink:

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that has been the case for 20 years - L-only RWs become available when new(er) L-only RWs are added. LoD has had L-only RWs for over a decade now.

Is that really a thing? I have been wearing an upgraded unique last season.


Just respec - problem solved. My heroes are wearing many upgraded items (Gore Rider, TO Gloves, Viperskin and so on).

What are you guys doing??? :smiley:

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When comes a new update?
Maybe with some new unique items?
And the latest runewords for nonladder game(r)s.
And maybe make Tyraels Might, Arcaine’s Valor and Grossvater better.
Some weapons have no unique version.
And the upgradeproblem with set and unique- items must be solved.
Then Diablo 2 can live on

What upgrade-problem are you referring to??

If you upgrade set items with the Horadrim Cube, you can no longer wear them afterwards.
That happened to me with Sigon’s armor.
The item looks wearable but unfortunately it is not wearable.
The beautiful design of the set item Haemosu’s Adamant was removed after upgrading in the Horadrim Cube.
That is a real shame.
You play and play and find Haemosu’s Adamant, want to play and use and upgrade this item and then the joy is robbed of you.

That is basically just a display bug. The clvl requirement increases by 5 when upgrading to exceptional, and by another 7 when upgrading to elite. The showed level requirement for some reason only updates when you actually wear the item. You can see this for yourself if you transfer the item to a higher level character and have them wear it to update the visuals.

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We need a report system for bots and cheats. There was a bot in my game just now, and we couldn’t even report him? What?
Please add a bot report system. This bot is character named “Fenix” Paladin on EU server.
Without anticheating we can only avoid being affected by playing solo, self found, no trading, and no pvp. Also the leaderboards lose meaning obviously.

path of incelparrots

but i do agree they should put more points into d2 than any other diablo. i guess d2 isn´t the most fertile ground anymore but maybe there´s ways…

All im asking for is a fing loot filter man wtf is this company

@Pezradar… I know the new blizzard SOP is to make as much money as possible, hence the push to D4… Sadly I dont and wont ever play D4. D2R is the most legendary game in you stable. As money is all that matters, and you dont want to add new things to D2R, as it is not profitable…
Here is a way to make a quick 5-10 Million dollars, maybe even much more… A new D2R Expansion pack, with stackable Gems and Runes, and 6 more stash tabs… Development tome? 2 days max… Priced as a once off $100… Then Blizzard can go back to blowing smoke up D4s whatever…