Pre-extension mode to be improved

Hello there,
I played D2 for a long time, and most of it in classic (after playing LOD).
The reason behind that choice is that the game is much more balanced, items are not over-powered and hell actually feels challenging.
However I never played classic because the classic stash is so small. Nor because we can’t play druid/assassin, nor because we can’t go act5.

But the better balance made it worth it.

Anyway with D2R, when I heard stash was bigger now, I was really disappointed that the classic stash has been left as it used to be. Please fix that, people don’t play classic for such a bad limitation.

Adding Act5 and assassin and druid would also be beneficial in my opinion, but that would probably divide opinion.

I recall that when Act5 was available in classic (due to a bug sometime in 2000’), people where pretty happy about it.

edit: Lot of people are complaining about the stash actually.
See the US forum : [Classic] The Shared Stash - #194 by Geezer-11142 - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums

Adding act 5 to classic doesn’t make it classic anymore ;)))

If I remember correctly, it’s too many years now, there was just one single developer left in the D2 team past patch 1.09, and was it just him that came up with all the 1.10/1.11 rune words?

Yeah it kind of breaks the cs run thing.
But shared stash and gold auto pickup, there’re just no good reason to add them.

@Zilliman. Never heard that but sounds possible.