[PS5 version of D2R v1.004.000 on PS5] I click the "Play" button and nothing happens ?!

So, I got the D2R v1.004.000 update on my PS5 about an hour ago and now when I press the “Play” button nothing happens, the main menu just refreshes itself like when using Refresh on Windows desktop. This is the PS5 version of D2R on PS5. I was playing without problems 5 minutes before the update.

I downloaded the PS4 version on the PS5 and there isn’t such a problem, the game plays fine.

Tried the PC version of D2R, no problems, too.

Any suggestions?


Me too buddy.
Did the update 5 minutes ago now having the same exact problem and the game runs just fine on pc and switch.
Not too mention moments before died, giving my buddy some waypoints, did the usual leave and join back for my body to be at my feet and I got nothing back but some potions.
Lost a grim shield “rhyme” +300% magic find gear.


I have the same problem with inputs on PS5. As it is not pleasant. How can I dawnload version for ps4 ? This version don`t have probleb…


Same problem here on PS5, sure that only PS4 is not affected?

Beim mir genau das gleiche Problem.
Blizzard bekommt nichts geschissen!! Aber was soll man von denen noch erwarten…:smiley:

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Same problem over here. Menu blinks out and in again after hitting play. But stuck at the same screen. Sigh

Hi there,

We’re aware of this issue and currently investigating.

For the latest info you may also want to keep an eye on the thread here:

Thanks for your patience for now!


Geduld??? Wie bitte? eure ganze Informationspolitik lässt zu wünschen übrig. Kundenservice gleich null. Es wird von Jahr zu Jahr schlechter. Wie lang sollen wir diesmal warten? Wieder den ganzen Tag?

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yes, I’m temporarily playing the version for ps4

funktioniert bei mir nicht…

So you can download both games ps4/ps5 version & ps4 is working, so it’s perfect workaround for feature patches :sweat_smile:

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