Question About Traderie

so am i missing something or is this completely useless as pricelist
i just looked up BER rune and besides the fact that prices vary all over the place, like from 1 JAH to 7 JAH

there are a lot of people with “2 IST runes OR 12 IST runes”

like ?!?

Pictures please.
W/o pics I assume you missed some ORs in the price listings.

Yes it said

“12 IST Runes”
“2 IST Runes”

ive seen similar things a lot when i checked out some random items

does “OR” stand for anything specific i dont get ?!?

glad you posted pictures … facepalm
Or ist just the normal english or. It seperates different accepted offers.
Maybe it was 12 IST or 2 IST (no or) something else. Then the accepted price would be 12 ists or (2 ists and the somehting else).
But without a pic, we can just continue guessing …

i dont need a pic to proof a simple thing like i described above

if u think im lying or had some sort of hallucinations, thats up to you

i did some more price checks on traderie by now and got a more positive impression by now

seems like it was some omega lost price suggestion by a random guy or what not

besides all that. get this “pics or didnt happen” nonsense “internettrend” out of ur head and use ur own head. just as an general advice

it has zero to do with anyone lying. It had all to do with trying to understand what was going on.
Your description left different venues open and I was trying to narrow it down.
Just a general advice: Get that childish 3 year old behaviour out of your system.

When you go to a doctor and ask them about an issue you have and they ask you to see it, do you also throw a tantrum and go rambling about pics or didn’t happen nonsense?

And no, I don’t think/say I’m a doctor.

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