Rate the game on Metacritic!

rate it on google as well. prevent people from buying that joke.

am i the only one who cant connect to metacritic? the site seems overloaded xD

can i give like -10 for devs not diving a flying fuck?


also 3.8 for a game loved by all
@blizzard good job on shooting ur self in the foot


lol the number of negative reviews just skyrocketed

could u expect anything alse aftar that shitstorm tho?/

Thank you for link. Done. Rated 10/10.

Just gave them 1/10 trash company


sending a 0 allready


10 min ago it was 3.8 now its 3.7 keep it going guys

I wrote an in depth review of which the score ended up being 0. We all know why.

0/10 given . Fuck that shitt


I gave it a 0 out of principes. The game itsself by vicarious is awesome. feels like the old game did when i played. heres the catch: when i “played”.

now i’ve been trying to play this game for the past 4 days in the little time I have to play, and I wasn’t able to play at all. I understand a day, maybe even 2, but this game released over 2 weeks ago and hasnt been playable for days now, without any statement from blizzard whatsoever.

If the company that WE support with OUR money, shits on you, then it’s time to take their shit and throw it back in their faces.

I’d loved to be giving it a heartfelt 8 or higher, but the fact that blizzard simply ignores everyone not releasing a single statement or anything is just not done.

I dont need them to give me a 5 page word document, just tell us wtf is going on and maybe we could even bring up some understanding for them.

but leaving us in the dark and giving us the same crappy copy paste on twitter for days, promising info and not delivering, they literally brought this shitstorm upon themselves honestly.

Gave it a 10 out of 10.

Yes! Here is the pitchfork my good sir! Hands over a pitchfork

Gave 10 for cool remastering.

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Looking at your avatar, I do have one complaint. Even with the remaster, the Hawk Helmet STILL looks stupid! :yum:
Guy looks like he has a chicken on his head.

My sorc has insane eyes and I luv it :upside_down_face:

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Refund culture is bullshit and bombreviewers are crying toddlers. It’s just a game.


“Return culture” is just returning failure product that is around for pretty long and is considered standard customer protection.
Bombreviewing is last resort how to have our voice to be seen, since we are ignored by seller in hope that it just magically disappear.