Realistic D2R changes suggestions, no act 6

List of changes that in my opinion does not require a large number of devs and man-hours but can improve the game. No new maps, storyline, monsters, class, items, skills etc.

Patch notes that we need in my opinion

Quality of life
• Tome of town portal and tome of indetify got infinite number of uses.
• Runes and gems can be stacked.
• More stash tabs that can be renamed.
• Search tool in stash.
• Two different inventory tabs dedicated to items and charms (charm works only in charms tab).
• After quest Larzuk makes first socket for free but he can make another ones for two million gold every time.
• After quest Charsi imbues first item for free but she can imbue another ones for one million gold every time.
• Cow portal once opened, never close. (just like terror zone you got an option to check/uncheck when you start another game).
• Weapons break 1000% slower.
• Maximum amount of arrows/bolts increased to infinite.
• Every character start with stamina increased by 500.
• You can open a tab in horadric cube with every cube recipe.
• You can open a tab in your stash with every rune word recipe.
• Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine, Spirit of Barbs got 500% life increased.
• Advanced stats in character tab now shows all your breakpoints and highlight your actual breakpoint (same on mercenary).
• There are new options in game settings that you can enable to show item lvl on item description and area lvl next to area name in the upper right corner.

• Set items can drop with one or two additional random bonuses (DII sets gets 2, DII LoD sets gets 1), same bonuses as gets rare item of its type.
For example, aldur’s advance drops with random bonus like rare battle boots gets, (magic find, light res or additional fire res, etc.) or Bul-Kathos’ Sacred Charge drops with random bonus like rare colossus blade gets (% enhanced damage, attack rate, strength etc.)
• All normal weapons got 5% base damage increased.
• All exceptional weapons got 10% base damage increased.
• All elite weapons got 15% base damage increased.
• All indestructible items can be found ethereal.

• Multiply the whole hit chance formula by 1.4 (only when player attacks, not when monsters attack player). In part with ALVL and TLVL (attacker level, target lvl) now its always ALVL=1, TLVL=1.
• When you run it does not change your defense and hit chance formula.
• When you run you still can block attacks.
• Shrine no longer can be dispelled by curse, you can be under both effects.

Horadric cube
• Upgrading runes no longer require gems.
• Runes can be downgraded by mixing rune and scroll of identify (you get only one lower rune).
• Zod rune, scroll of portal and unique item to make one more socket in this item (with cap of its item type).
• Cham rune, scroll of portal and set item to make one more socket in this item (with cap of its item type).
• Jah rune, scroll of portal and rare item to make one more socket in this item (with cap of its item type).
• Ber rune, scroll of portal and magic item to make one more socket in this item (with cap of its item type).
• Ohm rune, scroll of portal and gloves/boots to make one socket in this item.

Maybe some little balance changes:

• Spirit grants +1 skill (instead of 2), +15-25% faster cast rate (instead of 25-35), +25% faster hit recovery (instead of 55), +49-72 mana (instead of 89-112) and +25% poison/cold/light resist bonus in shield (instead of 35).
• Stealth grants + 15% faster run/walk, cast rate and hit recovery bonus (instead of 25).
• Grief grants +240-300 (isntead of 340-500) damage bonus and no longer ignores target’s defense.
• Mosaic requires cham rune instead of amn.
• Tyrael’s Might grants additional +1 teleport and +1-2 skills bonus.
• Templar’s Might grants additional +2-3 skills bonus.
• Mang Song’s Lesson grants +6 skills (instead of 5), +60% faster cast rate (instead of 30), additional +60% faster hit recovery and 20-30% all res bonus.
• Teleport now costs 60 mana at lvl 1 (instead of 24).

Maybe some new endgame activity, why not? just modify hell difficulty

New inferno difficulty
Players1 on inferno is like Players9 on hell, Players8 on inferno is like Players16 on hell etc. so monsters are stronger and you got more exp and drop.
but also:
• Monsters got increased movement and attack speed by 30%.
• Inferno champion monsters spawn with two unique monster bonuses.
• Inferno unique monsters spawn with additional two bonuses.
• Inferno Super unique monsters spawn with additional two bonuses.
• Inferno Bosses spawn with two unique monster’s bonuses.
• Terror zones on inferno got density increased by 30%.
• You and mercenary have resistances reduced by an additional 50 (-150 total)
• You got 15% more exp and drop chance bonus.

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Nope. Especially to spirit nerf … you know nothing about game and fcr caps if you suggest this.

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Actually I would delete spirit from this game, for crazy low runes you get weapon/shield that beats most of unique weapons/shields for casters.
You can convince me to leave spirit fcr max roll 35% on shield but still whats the point of two unique shields with fcr when you dont even pick them from the ground.