SPEAK TO US Blizzard!

What is going on Blizzard? Is it server capacity? Technical issues? Hackers? What?..

… Can we expect this to continue the next many days or weeks?

Me and other people here want to be able to plan our days with friends and family.
Ie. if we take a day off work to play with a friend who also took a day off, then this literally sucks. It is kind of planning a trip to the zoo with the family and then the zoo closes… Sucks!


Do you like when you are fixing a problem while a spoiled child’s crying “GIMME THAT CANDY DAD”? They have some problems, they are resolving problems.


Your logic amazes me

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What you want from blizzard? They max it post text with WE ARE SORRY, like in south park


I agree, at least we need a minimum feedback


You know that they have more then 1 employee? Some guys moderate the forums…and some do the technical stuff…but ok… :rofl:


Spoiled child never paid dad for the candy, your logic sucks


It’s e-v-e-r-y single day (and I work in this industry)… I would expect this from an indie developer launching their first title but for Blizzard doing a remaster of one of the greatest ARPGs of all time…and the game is completely UNPLAYABLE? And this is almost a month after the release date is completely insane! Then, to do so with next to zero communication with the fanbase is just spitting in our faces.
They have a Communications Team…
They have a Marketing Team…
They have a budget to pay Marvel actors like Simu Liu and Winston Duke (for a pretty lame trailer, to be honest)…

And you can’t send an email? Put up a post? Hire MORE devs to solve this issue? Invest in more stable servers?

Only masochists and cuckolds can defend this lack of professionalism.


ye, who knows, 1minut/tomorrow, be content. u are asking what is happening??? stop crying. They are fixing the game and those are the same ones in charge of communicaton, they are busy.
tf… this people…

And you know what they are doing, how? You work for Blizzard? Maybe they are very bad at fixing the core issues for these server downtimes.

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I wish they had more communication with the community, that’s it.
Right now it is just server shut down and then a standard message day after day leaving people wondering what is going on and what to expect.


isnt it funny that these big wig company’s always brag about being transparent and open to their customers yet every year they only manage to make things worse and become more silent.


Box them hard !
Box and hold nothing back


Its company strategy. They have nothing to said and they say nothing. Obviously if they say: “we sorry it will never happen again, lets destroy evil together” blow the players asses more if they dont say anything.


Shutting down the servers and offering refunds until they fix these problems would be nice about now. I know there is a single player and if people are happy playing that then more power to them but i only purchased d2r for online play. Had countless hours and items rolled back just about had enough.


lets destroy evil together :smiley: i love u

They got cursed by some necro.
I just wonder with which curse :thinking:

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I think everything possiible. These may be ddos-hallo, elder-like-mammoth’s-turd european internet or an incompetent zoomer. Anyway, I don`t think this is a global conspiracy to take your money away. Everything will come back to normal sooner or later)

They are fighting for “equality”. There is no time for them to deal with trifles - to repair the server.

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I think they are working hard on fixing this, its just the lack of communication. This is something about hacking and cross progress. If it is, they can just cut the feature out as far as I am concered.