The 2.7.0 Patch has killed the game for me

Same for me here, it was perfectly smooth before the patch and now it’s almost unplayable


Vertical Sync is completely broken on the Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.7 Patch.

I was previously running Diablo 2 Resurrected on an Asus TUF 6800XT Graphich Card at 4k Ultra with an Intel i7 12700k CPU on the previous patch, which was silky smooth. But on the new 2.7.0 Patch, even if I drop the quality preset down to low on 4k or even 1080P low, the frame rate goes absolutely erratic and is so glitchy that it makes play absolutely impossible for me.

I have been trying to find a solution to this problem since the 2nd May when the 2.7.0 patch was Rolled out. The only solution I have found is to play offline, as the experience is far better, although the game still suffers with Vsync issues, they are of a much less frequent nature.

I was wondering if there is anyway to permanently move my Online Diablo 2 Resurrected characters to permanently Offline characters, so I never have to deal with these game breaking issues again, with the rollout of the next patch.

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Can you create a Dxdiag, upload it to file hoster like pastebin and link it in your reply?

For the link you may need to use the option Pre-Formatted Text, via the button </>?

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Hey there. I’m having a similar issue with an i9 12900K, RTX 3090 and 32 gigs of RAM. Before the 2.7 patch everything was smooth, but ever since the patch was installed the game keeps stuttering every few seconds. It’s like a momentary freeze after which the character has moved a little bit more.

Not only does this affect movement, but it also causes some actions to not register at all, like when I click a chest to open it and it just happens to stagger at that moment, my character moves to the chest but then just stands there unless I click a second time.

Strangely enough, changing the processing priority of D2R.exe (e.g. open up the Task Manager, go into Details, right click on D2R.exe, and under Set Priority I choose High) seems to be able to relieve the issues. As an additional note, I noticed that BattleAgent.exe’s priority is set to Above Normal, and although changing it to Normal doesn’t help, I’m not sure if it should have priority over others.

I hope this can be useful to the devs.

Here’s my DxDiag.txt file (forum won’t let me post it because of message length):


Thank you very much Selgesel.

I have not played Diablo 2 resurrected online, since the 2.7.0 Patch mucked up the Vsync, as it was unplayable. But in Offline mode it was working okay.

I changed the processing priority of D2R.exe to High, like you suggested and it seems to have fixed the Vsync issue for me.

I can now play Diablo 2 online again, after 10 days!

You are a genius Selgesel.

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I’m glad it worked! In my case offline mode wasn’t really much different, so the game was pretty much unplayable in modern mode.

So anyways, here’s hoping again that this helps devs figure out the actual problem.

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Without your intelligent analysis, where you perceived the problem introduced in patch 2.7.0, was one of a CPU Priority consequence, I would have been unable to play Diablo II: Resurrected online, until at least the release of the next Diablo II Patch.

It is rare (and I have been using the Internet since 19997), but sometimes you can get real gems of information from users on the Internet, and you certainly posted a jewel, with your suggestion “Strangely enough, changing the processing priority of D2R.exe (e.g. open up the Task Manager, go into Details, right click on D2R.exe, and under Set Priority I choose High)”.

Thank you again Selgesel, as you are a Wizard, and I am going to name my next Sorceress in Diablo 2 ‘Selgesel’ in your honour.

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Try disabling the e cores, just as a workaround

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Thanks! I can confirm that disabling e-cores indeed helped fix the issue. I did this by installing Process Lasso and checking the Performance Mode Enabled box on the File menu.

It’s interesting to note that this issue has just started to happen with the 2.7.0 patch. I’ve had the same PC setup for ~10 months and never had any slow down or frame drops.

Same thing for Diablo IV which is a much more resource heavy game but doesn’t have any issues either.

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I have the exact same issue with my 4090 / i9 13900k / 64 GB RAM PC…
I played a year ago on my older PC and everything was fine.

Now before Diablo 4, I wanted to play Diablo 2 Resurrected on my new system in 4k and it runs really bad. Micro Stutter every few seconds. I found it worse with online characters but offline it’s still bad. I thought something is wrong with my system but other games run smooth.

Pls fix it. I wont play further after finishing story. Really annoying and unplayable with these stutters.

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Yep even this is what I am experiences right now. Thank god, that it does not have something to do with my hardware. But still… sad to see that the game now has such problems. A year ago when I played the last time, it was super fine.

This ony helps to make it a little bit less annoying- but the problem is still there and with online characters still more than with offline. Not a true fix but thx anyways.

The game is in need of a new patch to fix this problem!

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I already did disable the e cores in the Bios, and although it somewhat relieved the issues, the game was still not running smooth, until I changed the processing priority of D2R.exe to High, like Selgesel suggested.

But you have to change the processing priority of D2R.exe to High, EVERY single time to run Diablo 2.

It has been 19 days since the 2.7.0 patch introduced these issues, and there is still no sign of a patch to address these game breaking issues. WHY?


same thing for me here, had very jerky graphics since 2.7.0, i just changed the priority of the process to “high” and now it is a bit better. Still erratic but a bit less
I hope they will fix that in next version.
Thank you for the workaround

Same Problem here, changing priority fixed it for now!

Aftermath of massive earthquake in Turkey region affects gaming performance of D2R…

Nevertheless The gamer has equipped with latest advancement in the semiconductor industries to relieve worries…


It seems that the gamer in turkey need to play game in sites complying to MIL-STD 188-125.

Sounds good, exept that I do not know what a taskmaster is or where to find it.
Been looking through D2R files but I cant find that D2R.exe to rightclick on.

soo the new season is here and the stuttering problem hasn’t been fixed yet? not for me at least, I really want to play the game without having to set priority in task manager every time I launch the game but I guess 100% of staff is at d4 right now and they don’t even look at d2 for now

Also still having similar problems since that patch. I think it’s possibly a v-sync issue because if i turn on v-sync in nvidia control panel on d2r.exe instead of using the in-game tick box, it improves it somewhat.
Even though the in-game /fps framerate is rock solid, there is still often shuddering when moving my hero, which usually gets progressively worse until I restart the pc and game. No issue in any other games thankfully.
Setting priority high doesn’t appear to do anything to help me either. Even pressing G to go to classic graphics it still shudders. Same for both offline and online.
If anyone has found a reliable fix please let me know.

Just decided to give d2r another go after and while and sure enough you guys broken it again. Really janky/hitching moment, its is completely unplayable.
Setting CPU priority does nothing for me on 12th Gen Intel. No I’m not disabling E-cores, because I should not need to, was working perfect.
EDIT Specs*
AMD 6950XT - Video Driver - 23.11.1 (latest)
CPU - Intel 12700K
32 Gigs of Ram

The game had a small update today, which fixed the issue for me(no stuttering on normal priority), go see if that’s the case for you too guys.