The scroll bar of the game selection in D2 has a bug

Diablo2 scrollbar not working correctly in game selection:

When you select a difficulty where many games are and you switch to a difficulty where only few games are, you will see no games or only some of the games. The problem is that the scroll bar of the game selection is still down and the few games you would see “fall out at the top”.

Suggestion for fix. Set the scrollbar of the game selection box to its default value (at the top) when a game difficulty selection is performed by the user (player).

Steps to reproduce:
Use HCL mode, because there are often only few games.

  1. Go to hell difficulty (there are often the most games available)

  2. Scroll down with the scroll bar in the game selection

  3. Go to “normal” or “nightmare” difficulty (there ore often only few games)

  4. You will not see all games or even no games.

  5. Go back to hell difficulty

  6. Put the scrollbar of the game selection back to the top again

  7. Go to the difficulty from before “normal” or “nightmare”

  8. You will see all games there

This way for Bug Reports:

OK, postet it there where suggested (link):
The scroll bar in the d2 game selection box has a bug (detailed info for simple fix) - Bug Report - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (