Thoughts On The New Queue System?

Im just waiting Blizzard to sell their sh*t off to another company that will really care about the potential of the games they made. Actually nothing in battlenet is playable anymore, it’s so obvious they are not working on anything. I, sadly, really hope they fail soon.


It sucks. Random crashes and waiting at least 15 mins cuz of queue.


It’s a disgrace, they could literally add server capacity to handle the issues until they have a resolusion for the cause, they’re not and that should tell you all you need to know about how much they care about their customers.


So many people asking for refund which in my mind is justified with this case. Yet Blizzard as I hear aren’t doing any refunds, it’s almost like they don’t care about the community yet they think we’ll continue to support them in future with D4 and other Diablo games? Sure, keep dreaming Blizzard, if anything, this is good to show the community what you really think of them.


Waiting for my turn. Started at 545, then 3 minutes later 445, then few minutes later 345…

Is this a real queueing system? Ah now it says 245…

Blizzard can we at least get our TCP/IP back now so we can play with our mates locally whilst you clear this awful mess up?


Its pretty sad Runescape HAVE BETTER SERVER THEN BLIZZARD and rs gott reamake to on osr HD

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Guess they can argue that the servers are running now. might make getting your money back harder then it was before…lol

It’s perfectly fine. it’s just a stopgap measure (short term fix) until they can implement bigger changes, as stated by Blizzard in their post. Waiting a bit is better than the entire server going offline for hours each day. Once blizzard can properly fix the servers (which they are working on - longer term fixes, as stated in their post) , the queue system will most likely be gone.

Blizzard stopped making good games, they are leeching of a company they were 15 years ago, they will never be able to make ANY good games anymore, 99 money 1 game, leaders at blizzard should be locked up for sex harassments towards female employees and for scamming people telling them to buy a broken game so that they can earn enough cash to replace female employees and harrash the new ones they recruit.


i played 45 minutes… game crashed… now im placed number 230 in queue… If i knew who was responsible of blizzard and had any means to get near that person i owuld bash his head in


Blizzard tells that the players play too modern and therefore the servers are constantly overflowing … cant wait until Friday 22 Oct when the new poe season starts!


It has now been 1hour i crashed. I am in queue. Forever. And ever. Guess we’re forbidden to play now.

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It’s absolute shit.

It would be one thing if you could que up once and play but a number of different scenarios put you back in the que again:

trading with someone in a different region.

crashing. Which happens all…the…time…

the buggy thing that locks you out of joining and creating games and requires a restart. Which happens all…the…time

This is absolutely terrible. I mean really, why are we even debating if it’s good or not. They sell us a game and that game should be playable within what one would consider reasonable. This is unreasonable.


Seriously Blizzard, what are you thinking with this? A queue is NOT acceptable. Invest in sufficient capacity for your servers.


So great! You get yourself in. Poof crash without error and the shit can start again hahaha

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The Daily crashes was better than this que, specially when your game is random closing down every like 1 - 2 hours and you have to reque


i don’t think anyone would like the new system i think it makes no difference than server down i waited 30 mins to go online. and when the game kicked me happened to me once i waited again in queue

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Someone got any informations, if it´s impossible to login at the moment?
Cause everytime i try, the queue aint movin.

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Problem are not the servers. After reading what have they done, problem is that they have reutilized old code from diablo 2. The old one that was the responsible of server management. This part of code is a Singleton (in development language it means that only one instance could be run at once) and this is the problem… no more than one instance can be created in order that all the comunity could access to the same info… this is not enough for all the acces that the game is having. To correct this they will need near of thousand of hours of development because they have literally to re do all the work of the server management code… of course they have not explained this…


First off I hope all the people on these forums who threaten blizzard employees have their accounts banned and their locations submitted to their local authorities.

second as a sit in a queue at 301 which hasn’t moved in 20 mins my only gripe about the game was its high price tag of almost 60 dollars, if it was 30 I wouldn’t even care.

I will however give blizzard the benefit of the doubt because I am really enjoying the game and the more hours I get of entertainment the less of an issue the price becomes. I also know that Blizz employees are probably working crazy overtime right now.

people need to either Chill the eff out or get their refund and leave the comunity

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