Travincal Game crash

Any ideas when you guys gonna fix the Travincal crashes?
Whenever I engage the Travincal council and they start summon 1 million hydras, the game crashes.

This happens mostly on melee characters (Barbarian).

PC specs are:
Ryzen 5800X
Radeon 6700XT
50 degrees on CPU / video card and uptodate drivers.
Running on Windows 10.

@Blizzard Support - please forward to the devs, we would really appreciate a resolution on this.

PS, when game crashes there’s no error shown - the only details i have is an Infromation event in the Application logs:

Fault bucket 2273814223156152878, type 5
Event Name: D3DDRED2
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: VEN_1002
P2: 27.20.22025.1006
P3: 0x887A0006
P4: 7
P5: D2R.exe
P6: 1.0.1469.0

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: c0013a3b-2ac4-4ac5-b5db-88e299d83a7c
Report Status: 268435456
Hashed bucket: 3717ff5aa5ef2bdd8f8e35fd20740a2e
Cab Guid: 0

Still have the same prolem , lmk if you found a fix

No fix can be obtained from the player perspective - we need Blizzard game devs to debug this crash and fix it.

Hey Alex,

Checking this issue for you, and it appears that the developers are already aware of this issue (which is indeed most likely linked to the hydras).

No ETA yet, but hopefully this gets fixed soon. :crossed_fingers:

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Alex posted on november the 19th. It took u 5 weeks even to reply and for what? No Eta, but hopefully soon.
This is a joke, its super nice we have to avoid certain aspects of the game.
How about letting the monkeys whos trying to make all the gimp speccs interesting, do some bug fixing instead.


any ETA for us on this fix? As crashing at Trav consistently cucks us on farming…

Found a fix for this, during trav runs just switch to old diablo 2 graphics, and you’ll have no crashes… just tested with 10 runs so far and no crashes at all… yet when i switch back instant crash 2/3 of the time.

its not really a fix, just a work-around of a bugged game
guess thats what we have to settle with atm

Glad to hear that this works, and thanks for posting this. :slight_smile:

That’s indeed what workarounds are: temporary or alternative solutions that can be used while the main issue is resolved.

Please note that most of the developers are on vacation during the holiday season, like normal people would, and that bugs may not be fixed until the begining of January.

Thank you all for your patience, and happy holidays! :pray:

yeah i dont think anybody is expecting a patch during the holidays, but again Alex posted 5 weeks ago. But nevermind that now.

The issue seems to mainly happen when the game runs on highest graphic details, but it doesnt only happen in Travincal. Sometimes it happens in Bloody Foothills when i kill “Shenk the Overseer” (when it starts raining fireballs from the sky)

Still happening currently. I have repeated crashes during Shenk / Travincal on highest graphics settings with an RTX 3090 (most recent game-ready driver) due to the fire effects. As usual, switching to the old graphics prevents the problem.

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This is still happening. Any updates to this?

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Can confirm this is still a problem for me.


  • Hammerdin (level 94) crashes in Travincal (8 Players / Hell). It seems to happen after the Hydras spawn as the folks above, have mentioned.

What I have tried:

  • Disabled Xbox Game Bar
  • Disabled Discord overlay
  • Disabled Steam overlay
  • Ran a repair on the game (from the Blzz launcher)
  • Made sure there was nothing bound to a controller, as reports state this can happen to folks who bound an Aura to a button.
  • Made sure video card drivers were updated.
  • Made sure Windows was updated.
  • Tried setting the Task Manager priority to High per other suggestions.

Nothing has worked yet aside from hitting ‘G’ to reset the game back to old school graphics.

Also, I’m not sure if these are related but when Andarial dies and all of the fire starts happening…my game sometimes feels like it plays weird, but there is no visible change in FPS, although it appears that there is.

Could it be related to fire…in-general? Since Hydras are fire…Andy’s fire is…fire!

Really annoying that it was acknowledged yet never fixed. The blue post even says the devs know about it…

I think I’ve found a temporary solution until this gets fixed (not even sure that’ll happen since it’s so hard to watch how disappointing Blizzard has been with this (acknowledged this bug back in December as seen above). Someone suggested to turn VFX Lighting Quality to Low and so far, today, I’ve had zero crashes. Gonna test more and report back.

Update (edit): can confirm, after 20 runs, there have been 0 crashes. Turn VFX Lighting to Low and it seems to correct the issue for now.

Error seems to have randomly came back after wiping my drivers, performing a fresh install, rerolling drivers, turning off VFX Lighting effects. This has got to be an error in the game itself, as the only fix seems to be reverting to legacy graphics…

This is still ongoing 6+ months after this was reported. :frowning:

However, turning VFX lightning to low greatly improved my D2R performance and It hardly ever crashes / slows down anymore.

Still happening. My constructive criticism is that it would be a good idea to do something about it. Here’s an idea: Look into audio device incompatibility with whatever’s going on in the game. When the crash happens to me it’s always accompanied by audio stuttering. Nothing I’ve done with my own system has made a difference so maybe you can alter something on your end.

Still happens to me all the time, especially when rushing, it’s rather annoying.

PC Specs:
64 gigs of DDR4
Windows 10 Pro

Still happens in 2023… in both travincal and Shenk…

This is still a thing, and I do belive it’s a connection of Trav and Fortitude armour. I had zero crash playing IK WW or Singer barb. Once me and my merc got Fort armours it started.
Turning down lighting effects helps a bit, but it’ll still, eventually crash.