Updates would be considered as mirage for diablo 2

Hello dear Blizzard …would there be any updates for the upcoming season 10 of diablo 2 ressurected … we were asking for specific updates on very old specs which would be nice to be re introduced into the game also a little bit of item updates since we are kind of tired to search for runes only to be able to make the same specs all over again … a little bit of change would be nice from time to time …for example

Summon Druid needs a buff …A HUGE BUFF to the pets

Throw barb would also need a little bit of buff and have some Options for a weapon choice
just my toughts about the barb "make the throw weapon be able to throw the weapon we are equipping at the moment (swords/maces/axes 1handers ofc) "

Damage updates on the bowazon pretty cool spec but at the moment we have to grind S…t ton of high runes to be able to make 1/4 of the time which sorc would clear p8 cows for example…

Damage buff to fire trapsin is also an option by just adding 1 more skill to the fire tree for example (damage buff on Fire traps or - fire ress to traps

The druid spell caster also needs a buff overall Fire and “wind”

Necromancer (bones) needs a damage buff or rework on the bone skills

The sorceress on the “INFERNO” skill … may be rework it to “Fire Nova” this way we will try something new and exciting …

Thank you!!

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id rather question why some builds work fine on p8, not why all builds dont

summon druid works fine the same way summon necro do. its difficult if you use nothing but summons on both.
most summon necros compliment their summons with curses and spells, like most summon druids will use minions to make spells and shapeshifting easier

again, never treated throw barb as one sole build. mixing up combat skills also makes things easier. for barb its sometimes easier to switch over to throw and kill far enemies than having to get up close every single time. easier way to get rid of shamans and ranged

sorceress has to struggle with immunities. if amazon juggles with two of her preferred weapons she struggles with none at all, and it increases the likelihood of finding a better weapon for either skill branch. the only real issue with classes relying on weapons is narrowing down what weapon types you must find

instead of trapsin having to hyperfocus on an elemental like sorceress, she can instead treat her traps as background damage. not a lot of classes can deploy direct damage and simultaneously deal damage in other ways

druid fire spells could maybe use some buffs, also because they are meant to be overall more unreliable on hits, not straight firing missiles. then again, he is the only one who can cast physical spells. no one has strong flat damage that hardly gets resisted combined with the ranged safety like he does. i think itd be cooler if there is no delay between spell casting and shapeshifting to make a better hybrid build out of those two trees, so its not much different from a barb switching between melee and throwing, except youre throwing aoe. then you can also put down a molten boulder, fissure, or volcano, and immediately switch to shapeshifting to take advantage of both trees at once

i think necromancer bone works perfectly fine because he deals with immunities the least of all. he would just outrival anyone if he got a buff there

both inferno and arctic blast really needs to be looked into, i agree. i also thought it was weird instead of them working out the bug, they replaced the spell from iron wolf and went with a synergy mindset instead. he really didnt need fire bolt. blaze would have been a better and funnier replacement. they also need to look into might standing out from concentration and fanaticism. just because a merc uses it and just because its viable as a start skill doesnt mean its actually being used. paladin is essentially missing out on a skill there

also im not a pvp player, but i imagine a lot of these suggestions would mess with that part of the game. ie how is a player supposed to resist high magical damage coming from necro