everyone i know quit already, same as me.
Heh…me too and I created this thread.
It’s really stupid to segregate users so much they’re forced to use discord for games…and they screw us on shared stash. What a joke.
I’m still here but already installed Grim Dawn to play something cool and nice.
If they will fix that then I will be back for a longer time, for now from time to time.
I see that Blizz still doesn’t have anything to say
What do you this about the new info on patch 2.4?
It’s not looking like they’ve acknowledged this as an actual issue at all after seeing the 2.4 patch notes.
+making necro op at pvp
Still no reply from Blizzard i see. Nice.
That is no problem of importance for them obviously.
All the really important problems have been adressed already it seems.
For example the “oversexualized” Amazon got transmuted into a 70 year old transve stite. Seems the big companies now believe their own gender propaganda ^^
The lobby in classic works just fine, there is NO player base, if LOD had 5 people playing the lobby would work the same way… this issue here isnt that the game is broken but rather the player base does not exist. Classic players should be grateful that they are allowed to play the leftovers of the game still. Blizzard leaves the reduced difficulty classic in place to encourage under skilled players to continue enjoying their titles. Only 4 acts, no WW speed limits, Low unique counts so SOJ finds are significantly more common.
So if i open a classic game from austria and my irish friend can’t find it in the lobby, it is working fine in your eyes?
It’s not just a classic problem. The LoD Lobby + private channels are a joke aswell.
You are funny you know?
Go to discord and look how many classic players are there and playing together because in lobby you are not able to find any games because of lobby and bad approch of devs.
You are funny you know?
Go to discord and look how many classic players are there and playing together because in lobby you are not able to find any games because of lobby and bad approch of devs.
So im in the discord and there isn’t a SINGLE game of CS going on right now… there hasn’t been a CS game with more than 2 players in a week AND 90% of the players are currently playing anything are playing league and 75% of the discord isnt even active currently. So no this ISNT the dev’s fault, or a lobby issue… CLASSIC IS DEAD.
classic is dead because the devs have been ignoring an entire fan base for 17 months, there are plenty of games out there who have an active DEV team and arent motivated strictly by profit.
ZOOTERZ — Today at 12:30 PM
i just want the game i paid for to work, is that to much to ask for?
Nighthawk Medic — Today at 12:30 PM
lets argue here so this thread stays on top
classic is dead because at a max of 50 players it will ALWAYS be ignored.
why release pre expansion if youre just going to ignore the 50 people who play there?
thats a good way to get 50 people to not buy from your company ever again… seems like a failing business model.
maybe thats why they just sold their company to my dad bill gates
they sold their company to gates because its at the highest value its been in decades and the modern gaming community is a NIGHTMARE… between PC culture and overly demanding boomers and Gen Y, no one in their right mind would keep doing this forever.
hopefully one day, they fix this game like it should be fixed.
this dude wickedarcher thinks blizzard should fix the classic lobbies but charge the player everytime he wants to see the game list… what?
not what i said at ALL, i said lobbys are working how they SHOULD based on the constant complaining about latency in games that has NOTHING TO DO WITH BLIZZARDS SERVERS… only ghetto fabulous internet connects in 3rd work countries. I suggested that we get more people into classic with pay to expand inventory micro transactions.
the 5 people i played d2r-preexpansion with quit because the lobby and channel problems. If you create a cs or a pvp game and only 1/20 of the players can see the game it’s frustrating. On top of that we can’t meet at channels like op d2c as we used to. D2classic would have been be dead 10 years ago if that was always the case.
We are not happy with the product and it is our right to communicate that here.
.diabloii.net/forums/threads/classic-dii-account-list-thread.612708/ - that is the thread used to track d2 classic players in the original game because it was ALWAYS abandoned.
.diabloii.net/forums/forums/hardcore.30/ - That a link to the HC forum that is FULLY of complaints about latency… (not a blizzard issue btw…its you connecting to S. Africa from Iowa.)
Classic was DEAD LONG before this game was released.