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Straciłem swoje 3 postacie czy jest szansa na ich odzyskanie?

Server is down again. Seems like my Char is also deleted out of nowhere.

Каждый вечер сервера недоступны! Если и появляется возможность зайти, на следующий день этого прогресса нет!


Blizzards are you snickering? where is the game support? the game lays down every 2 hours, then kickbacks for two hours and so on for three days Three days the game is dead It’s time to pay attention to the competence of your employees


к игре впросов нет но вот сервера которые падают … почините либо закупите нормальные сервера .

turn me money please


Can we get some information of what is going on with servers? Thank you!


the game is perfect connexion not

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de los servers no dicen nada eso si del warcraft te meten una actualizacion el dia 13 eso si q lo hacen y a los del diablo que nos den

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Servers are down again and my game crashes all the time. Could you please do something to fix it? Also I sometimes don’t get the notification on battle.net saying there is something wrong with the servers. Does anyone know how to fix that?

Thank you.

Servers are ridiculous, third day in a row where we can´t even log in. What is going on blizzard?

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fix the dam sever,do your fuxxking job, OK?

Almost three weeks now and Blizzard is not able to handle the fact that the login problems stop, or that the characters are supposedly already logged in, or that they cannot be found. One could certainly list other errors as well. You could become abusive like some here, but I’m not like that. But you can certainly expect that for 40 € (or more) that you have paid, Blizzard will get things under control. I can’t imagine the board of directors needing more bad headlines after the last few weeks.

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а идите вы нахуй мудаки , так засрать топ игру которой столько лет это талант, пошли вы нахуй, ничего не сделали зато столько бабок содрали


So i understand acitivision dont bother putting any more money in this game so you wont fix the server problems for a long time.

Can you atleast update the community abit better? that wont take any money from Bobby.

heey can i get explaination of the problem is going on ? why are we down all time ? plesae answer

kindly regrats

Is it anyone else perhaps that may have purchased this lovely game and feel like they´re getting robbed?

2 days in a row, and alot of onetimers before, This is impressive

this company is full of shit servers and service :slight_smile:


Offline characters are saved local. Do you have onedrive activated, and perhaps did delete something there? If the documents is saved at onedive, and you delete data on Onedrive, you will loose that data on your local disc as well. (I learned that he hard way…)

Hey Mods,
please stand your “W/M/D” and talk with us about the last 6 Day´s and the Future of playing this Game.

Here are so many frustrated Players who want to talk with somebudy.