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Did the update 5 minutes ago now on ps5 and now cannot create game when pressing play. It will just refresh the screen and make menu noise and the game runs just fine on pc and switch.
Not too mention moments before doing update I died, trying giving my buddy some waypoints, did the usual leave and join back for my body to be at my feet and I got nothing back but some potions.
Lost a grim shield “rhyme” 150 defence +300% magic find gear.

Hi, I cant find a other place to ask for help so i hope this is the right place for it. The server were bad yesterday resulting in alot of relogging to be able to join or make games. Yesterdaynight after alot of relogs i logged back in to see my main sorc (level 88 Homa) missing. I hoped is was because of the network probleems bad when i checkt bad today its still gone.

Its a online sorc called Homa, my other chars that i didnt play whit are still there.

I haven’t play for a week and just got a server crash. After relounch got an error saying that my char is not exist on the server.
Now I pop up here and noticed, that it happend not only with me within last few days.

Have you got your chars back? or its a total wipe and you have to create a new one?

Also… Can I get a refund? I understand that version of the patch 1 started not so long time ago, but it feels like it step out from Alpha version too early. (Pirate versions of D2 LoD are more solid and stable than original. Sad and shame :poop:

Another day another struggling gaming in a hustle…

I guess my Occy and gheeds I just found will be gone as well. Just like the 3x HR’s the last 4 days…

Utterly useless…

Characters are still there, but on the server. Since the servers are broken AGAIN you just don’t see them.
Expect a rollback to god knows where though

we paid 40 euro for a BETA test of a 20 years old game… shame…


When I was online for a while, I lost 3 lvl with items.
Is there a chance it will happen again? my frustration is growing

atleast stop selling this crap, until it is not working… this is annoying… or say it is only beta version and refund people who got cheated by u… 40 euro for nothing… worth maximal 2 euro or less…


et encor un crash serveur , vous n’en avais vraiment rien a faire

Blizzard a whole history of games full of glitches and duped =) …

you play with our money even knowing that the game was not ready to be launched … wow = full of bots, D2-D2-D3 and 100% D4 = duped and bots like a lifetime in their games … 20 years after being with you I say goodbye and goodbye !!! I’m already sick of your bad management and that they get my money for NOTHING !!! uninstalling Batlle net from my pc

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what i know for sure diablo 4 will be not a part of my life… this resurrection a joke… they ressurected all bugs, all errors, but not the game…

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position on queue : 218

What should I do ??

es ist komisch das das orignal problemlos läuft das ressecured unspielbar ist…

Es ist ja schlimm und lächerlich genug, dass ihr die Server nicht sauber und dauerhaft am Laufen halten könnt.

Aber wie kann es sein, dass wenn ich disconnectet einen offline Char spiele, mein Fortschritt nicht immer gespeichert wird?
Sowohl auf meiner PS4 als auch auf einem PC ohne Internet Verbindung, sind Items nach dem Speichern und späteren Start nicht mehr in der Truhe.

Beim Original habe ich in all den Jahren sowas nicht erlebt.

Wie könnt ihr das in so einem Zustand auf den Markt droppen? Als würdet ihr es mit Gewalt darauf anlegen, den Rest von euerm beschädigten Ruf auch noch in die Tonne zu kloppen.

Und ich Idiot kaufe es auch noch 2x. Ich bin nicht davon ausgegangen, dass hier viel schief laufen kann. Leider wurde ich eines besseren belehrt. Nach dem Warcraft 3 Fiasko hätte ich doch lieber mal 6 Monate warten sollen.

We should share a technical issue ?

Well, here i go :smiley:

I run Diablo II Ressurected.

Should be more then enough information !

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На ps4 даже в очередь не встает! Тупо нельзя играть в игру за 2,5 касаря! Верните деньги!!!

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30 minutes in the queue? Are you retarded?

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this level of incompetency is just astounding. Diablo 2 run fantastically for a long time, before the plug was pulled on the original. How is this even possible?
que timers? really
Random crashes and super affected by latency

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Restart those damn servers. My character is stuck and I want to play !!!


il serait temps de vous bougez le cul car le jeux qui me remet au menu principal alors que j était en pleine game commence a mon gonfler et c ets pareil pour d3 ,40euro le jeux vous vous foutez de qui . et ne parler pas de vos regles de conduite sachant que vous le faites pas dans votre organisation.