If you are having the same issue like me (Wanting to play online => Queue => then “Cannot connect to server”, fear not my friends. Change the region in the Battle.Net App (e.g. from Europe to Americas or vica versa) and start D2R again. So far this worked for me.
@Blizzard: Please fix
Hey Loradim,
This situation is explained in a recent developer update. You can find more about it in this post: Diablo II: Resurrected Outages: An explanation, how we’ve been working on it, and how we’re moving forward
Thank you Loradim,
I have been experiencing the same issue every day for the past month and unfortunately none of the solutions I found out there solves the problem. I tried the following actions:
- Changing the region
- Restarting PC
- Restarting Modem
- Reinstalling the game
- Repairing the game
- Changing Battle.net Password
- Deleting Blizzart Entertainment and Battle.net caché files
- flushing the DNA
- Going to the bathroom and flushing the toilet
None of them worked
Yryadorne message do not provide any solution.
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