10 reasons why this game has future

Hello again everyone, (devs and customers ;* )
1st - Thank You for the efforts and the determination in providing quality games!
I can’t deny that this company is part of my life for very long time (like 40% of my lifetime … " hmm lets check his profile … oh he is just 1700 paragons non-seasonal , what does he know about it …")
2nd - I admire the ability of the developers to see far far away in future in meaning of character balance and late game builds and strategies.
3rd - Yes , the guy that wrote the previous thread complains about that some items are not so usefull , but buddy - if you dont have choice between “good” items and “not so good” items , for example if every item is good , what is your choice gonna be then ? Actually according to the transformation of d3 , I think many dreams of players came true with this “constant legendaries drops” , it wasn’t like that in the begining (my personal expirience with d3 started at the point when RMAH was about to be closed and I remember how I sold rare sword with 1 sock and 2.80% lifesteal for around 10 euros :))) People wanted more legends and now they have them. I bet if they want constant ancients , it can be done easily. Constant primals - why not. But what is gonna be the point then ?
4th - Yes , I am excited about d2 aniversary - every once in a while I continue playing this game and it still brings me joy and satisfaction - Thank you Blizz !
5th - After few days I have to return this PC to my wife - it’s not mine , so probably I will miss part of this season … At least I will play for few days :))) What’s the point here - the game still has future - with or without me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
6th - At the end of season 20 I found Andariel Visage with 666 armor - hopefully this is a reason for a smile :))) Now seriously - Blizzard games = Balance , and Diablo is not exception. The only thing that confuses me a bit is that probably this season is gonna produce “imbish” character just like the wd in season 20. Probably its something like “promoting” new sets or new playstyles , I understand that , and for me personaly it’s like a little backdoor for thoose who need easy progress in the game.
7th - I am curious about how everyday life of a blizzard devs goes - some of us are kids , they have more freedom and time for play, others are workers and still find time to play - its like the cherry of the cake after 12 hours shift for example - just sit in front of the Pc , take a beer , log in and play this wonderful game. Why I say this is because there is truly conection between the producers and the customers here - I love this feeling , I appreciate the sacrifices that the developers of the game probably make for us. How can you say that this game has no future ?!
8th - Jan van helsing - " Die kinder des neuen jahrtausends" - Jan is the author and the other thing is a headline of one of his books. My point here - when Einstein said that there are 2 ways to look at your life - one is that everything is ordinary and the other is that everything is extraordinary .Telekinesis , teleportation of small objects in short distance and not only - you can read about this stuff , I dont want to convince anyone for what can be real or not. My perception tells me that nothing in this life is impossible and things happen easily if they are first mentaly projected - here is how this game helps for future generations.(still not crazy , dont worry)
9th - You are communicating with other players , you become social, sometimes you cooperate with them and this is something good. I’ve met many players - real people who have similar interests to mine I felt amazing in that times.
10th - “Patience…” - you learn to be patient while playing this game, and quiet as well. I don’t know how to explain it but I achieve somehow inner peace while playing , probably the brain waves frequency changes and I feel relaxed while playing. I let easily some of the every-day-bllshtness go away. Man can’t be always in top form , we have to think about paying rent , paying bills , dealing with some nervous colleagues in work , you all know what I mean.
Conclusion - I do respect you all , and as your friend I can say that I am grateful and I love you ! Everyone has opinion. Probably the very advanced players stay in shade in sense that they constantly report bugs and point possible weak spots. I admire that effort as well !
“Nothing is impossible, my friends , nothing , believe me - nothing … nothing,guys , nothing is impossible …”
Love you all and good luck everyone !!!

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I like your positivity !!

For me this is true, too!! There is something about this game that i cannot explain why i love it so much. There are rpgs that are technically better, with more depth and more variety. Even then, somehow this game calls me back every time i play something else. I don’t know what it is. No matter how flawed this game is, it has some redeeming qualities which tend to disappear in today’s gaming industry (Amazing bang for the buck and no microtransactions).

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What the hell is this? Copyright dude. I read all your stuff and I have no idea what you are on about. You have not made a single valid point to argue against. It has nothing to do with the game future. All you are talking about is how addicted you are with the game without any good reason and admiring the development team.

Point 1, you said 40% of your life time to get to paragon 1700? Wow. Very impressive. Yes I did check your profile, you only 4 chars with incomplete gears and gems. Did you delete other chars? By the look of the stats, gears and skills, you can barely manage GR 100 under 10 minutes even with your impale DH. Not a single caldesann in your gear? What were you doing in this game?

Point 2. Nobody (not even god) can see the future. All we can do is have a vision or target and aim to work at it. Learn from the current mistake and learn to do better in the future.

Point 3. Come to talk to me in my form if you have a ball. Good items? People take a look at his profile first and see for yourself. Maybe you are happy with what you got but most of us are not. At least we like to try our best to get decent items to make our characters more powerful.

In the same way, may be you should have a bit more ambition in your life and work harder to get better life. If you are still renting, try to save up and get onto the property ladder. Or are you going to be renting for the rest of your life and helping your landlord to own more properties?

Point 4. What is it to do with your title here? You are excited about D2 and good for you but nobody care.

Point 5. You don’t even have your own PC and borrow your wife PC to play the game? So sad. And again what is it to do with this title?

Point 6. Wow you found that helm and put a smile on your face? I got that in primal the other day and turn it for 15 souls straight away without even thinking. The rest I have no clue what you are on about. The game has future because of balance and you found that helm? What??? I am so confused here.

Point 7. you are curious about how developer works? You work for 12 hours and then chill in the front of the PC is like heaven. Many of us chill after a long day in front of something we used to do. Either TV or PC playing game. It is called routine and one thing Blizzard has managed to achieve is letting us by doing chore and feel like it is something that you have to do unconsciously. Not because we enjoy doing it, it’s simply the habit, habit become addition. Simple as that. Once you are hook into it, it is hard to get out of it to change to something new.

Most people are afraid of coming out of comfort zone and feeling of unknown and fear of failure (insecurity) which is why we tend to stick to what we know. But life is more than that, not just in a box and sometime have a courage to try something new and see the world. I took 3 years break from D3 and it was the best time of my life. I only come back for the new set items and also switch to SC2 for a year now.

Point 8. Who the hell is Jan Van Helsing? How the game will help for future generation? You are saying that if you believe you can teleport like Wiz in the game, you can actually teleport in the near future because you put this image to some genius kid who will eventually invent something like that?

Are you for real right now? Beside there are so many Sci-Fi movies like Avenger or X men or Star Wars as well as many other games like that. It is nothing new since my childhood fantasy and yet still nobody manage to fly like a superman or teleport until now. Probably never will. Get real dude. Even if it might happen in the future, it will purely based on scientific research.

Point 9. I agreed with that. Social is the only thing I have left in this game but there are a few people who annoyed me and bump into drunk people as well and I have to report for harassment and block communication with them. That’s why I usually play with people I know and friends of my friend.

But the game does not have future base on this alone. This is a very competitive industry and to be on top, you have to raise your standard. There are many other games also offer the same thing or even better.

Point 10. If you want inner peace, go to Asia and learn to meditate. Believe me it is better than playing the game. I have done that. Again what is it got to do with the game future?

Yes Nothing is Impossible ONLY if you are going to do something about it. Otherwise nothing will ever going to happen. Stop living in the fantasy and you don’t have to write nothing so many times.

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Ok let’s start from begining:
Point 1. 40% of my life with diablo series means around 11 years , keep in mind I started playing diablo 2 since the release of patch 1.10 LoD , where there were major improvements in runewords , skill synergies , character outlook, uber Diablo and others. I wrote that I play D3 since they closed real money action house. Yes I had other characters but I deleted some in the time. As a proof I still keep old zunimasa boots with 7% poison dmg (probably you havent met such preffix yet) and zuni ring. Highest GR I’ve reached so far is around GR105 single player and yes - I am not a pro :wink:
Point 2. “far far away in future in meaning of character balance and late game builds and strategies” - here you miss the whole meaning. Para 1-800 is one thing , para 1000+ (let’s say) is another and para 2k+ is something totaly different. I watch professionals on twitch every once in a while :wink:
Point 3. A hidden profile cannot be commented :wink:
I still feel young no matter my 31 years. I was in Britain for a while but I am from Bulgaria - believe me life is totaly different in different countries, anyway I still have hope I have like 1 and a half year to graduate in university - Computer Science , I work hard , that’s why you are probably more advanced player than I am.
Point 4. You don’t care :wink:
Point 5."What’s the point here - the game still has future - with or without me "
How is this fact bodering you? I actually had many PCs and right now I took this one because It had some Power Management issue. Beleive me I will have probably many more :wink:
Point 6.You didn’t get it right - the number 666 … the title of this game … Helm was trash Andy ofcourse :wink:
Point 7. Basicaly this is how it looks like to you, so thanks for sharing. For me it means … just read it one more time, but this time let your emotions aside.
You can see my overall progress and see which seasons I’ve missed so far. About the comfort zone stuff , I can tell you that I feel motivated enough to succeed in this life :slight_smile:
Point 8. There is something like 26000 years cycle , which basically means that our sun, together with all the planets of our solar system travels in space around a bigger object. The point is that the trajectory is more like an ellipse than a perfect sycle. So , considering this one , from year 2012 we start to get a bit closer to that center and all the vibrations are getting higher which leads to some changes on a spiritual and even physical level. If you want to know more you can read about this - I am not a teacher :wink:
Point 9. Go play these other games then - you are free to choose :wink:
Point 10. What I am telling you is that I can achieve inner peace even home with my family and the things that make me happy. The point is that such things have future and I appreciate this kind of relaxation, but still this is not the only thing I love to do - I also play football in my free time.
Actually these words are quote from the biographycal movie about Cristiano Ronaldo. Eminem said - “You can do whatever you set your mind to, man” So the point - first it starts mentally and then a realisation due to certain action is following in order to manifest this process “happening”.Stop living in the fantasy - is that your advice to me ? Well - thank you for your reply , it means a lot to me - a different point of view for sure. All the best and good luck with the new season :wink:

Oh dear. lolol. I didn’t ask you to write an essay about you man. We are talking about the title and most of the stuff you wrote is nothing to do with the game future. I do remember old gears such as Manticore DH bow that has 2 sockets on. Good to know that my profile is hidden from public, wasn’t sure it worked. I can open it again. Whether the game has future or not is nothing to do with our life.

Anyway, thanks for sharing some of your life. Good that you are doing Computer Science and what I don’t understand is you are 31 years old and you still have a year and half left to graduate? Are you saying that you work hard and I don’t which is why I play more game and as a result better gamer? I have already graduated in Computer Science when I was like 24 and worked in big industry like Microsoft. I know a lot about coding and programming. Living aboard, yes been there, done that.

The rest I have no clue what you are talking about (I do know it but they are not even related to the title that you put up). Of course you start with an idea and then you need to follow up that idea to make it happen. Dream without a goal is just a dream. Remember that. Anyway not going to write any more and good luck your life in the UK and your graduation.

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Here’s the URL for my armoury career page…
To look at someone else’s equivalent page all you have to do is to substitute their Battlenet ID into the URL, and finding that is as trivial as hovering your mouse over their forum name or avatar.

The main purpose of hiding profile isn’t to restrict people viewing your heroes, but rather your forum activity pages. I’d happily allow people to see my profile link, but prevent access to activity data, but there’s no such granularity in the user options of what we can / cannot restrict access to.

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The main purpose when I wrote the article was to encourage the ones that stay “behind the scenes”. Honestly , nothing against you and your point of view. Now when we exchanged some information about ourselves I feel even more satisfied and I want to thank you KKWIN and wish you all the best not only in diablo realm but also in real life. I see that you are really kind and I am glad that I communicate with person like you !!! All the best my friend !

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