Afraid to buy D2R, some suggestions ill like as an option. and fixes

I cant write on d2r forum since i havent bought the game. But after seeing streams and been reading comments about the game Im a bit concerned.

First They say minions block players in doors and small corridors, thats bad and should be fixed.

Shared loot in multiplayer = Ninja players, no way.

Ill like an option to have a skillbar like consol. You can enable via options if you want. Its a huge advantage for consol players / controller players.

Bigger inventory and if we dont have to make mules we need alot stash space tbh.

I know this is a big one, but I really would like if the 100% imunity from monsters got removed or an option to toggle on or off in options. The game dosnt offer 100% free build choices just because of it. It limits the option if you want to get all the way in the game.
You cant make a 1 damage type build in any way if you want to complete the game. That was also the worst thing in the game back when i played it alot.
Make such options a thing you can turn on if you want so those who like it can keep it. Maybe not remove it completely, but maybe lower it to 50% immune so kills take longer but not impossible. It will open up so many build options wich would be great in 2021.

The first 3 things i wrote is why I dont buy it atm. The imunity I can live with if I 100% have to. But blocking minions, ninjas and skillbar for consol only is whats turn me of.

ps. have also seen some players experiense bad game performance dont know if thats only a few or a generel issue.

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It’s a 20+ year old game with an aesthetic facelift. Don’t expect 2021 gameplay elements in a 2000 game.

Some words from David Brevik, the father of Diablo:

Don’t forget that Brevik more or less hates Blizzard.

Again they have skillbar on all other platforms exept pc.

Its also present on PC if you plug in a controller.