Am i allowed to use Paragon BOT in diablo 3?

As title says, because i see many top players using bots, why they dont have bans already? So is it allowed? Disgusting…

For example in EU season leaderboard top wizard has over 5k paragon, across all seasonal chars he has 1503 hours total played, s18 is there 68 full days, it means he plays 22.1 hours per day, is this f***ing joke for normal fair players or what?

The number of hours is probably the sum of total play time from when they first got the game. I don’t think anybody use illegal software or macros.

No those hours played are under season record, its summary of all his seasonal characters. But i got the joke you made :slight_smile:

You already got plenty of replies when you raised this question on the US forums…

You already got plenty of replies when you raised this question on the US forums…

you are absolutely right, i done that on purpose, i want clarification from moderator / admin / dev / diablo, so i made it also visible on “dead” EU forum for more views and while its actual issue with EU player

Good luck with that.

The last time we had a post from an EU Community Manager was in December 2018, on the old forums. There have been no posts since on either the old or new forums. I think it’s safe to say we don’t have an EU Community Manager any more.

The last time they responded on the subject was…
Bots - Are you ever gonna do anything about them?
As you’ll see, that’s as far back as Season 12, where I was pointing out that people were doing exactly the same thing back then, and had been doing so for many seasons in a row, totalling years.

Short version:
Blizzard say they care but their actions show they don’t.


Omg!! Please! Don’t do that.

Posting a video accusing someone of cheating is classed as “naming and shaming” which is deemed to be harassment as per the Code of Conduct. A “forum holiday” that lasts for a week means it probably wasn’t a first offence.

sure go ahead . blizz doesnt give a flying … about botting anymore. have fun reaching 10k para.

don’t you think that the actual botting and cheating is a far worser offence than posting a video (which is evidence of the infraction). I find it amusing that the person posting the video gets a 7 day ban, yet the actual offender probably got no penalty at all.


When someone “names and shames” another player by accusing them of botting, essentially they’re breaking the rules in order to report that someone else is breaking the rules.

The forum rules exist to prevent accusations, precisely because of how easy it would be to for false allegations to be made, thereby besmirching the reputation of the accused.

I’d obviously prefer that Blizzard actually cared about the integrity of their game and actually enforced the EULA by banning botters but, as you’ll see from the thread I linked to on the old forums, I was already trying to get something done about this two years ago. The same people I discussed in that thread are still doing it now, and they’d been doing it for years when that thread was current, i.e. they’ve been botting for 3-4 years with no action taken against them.

That’s why I essentially gave up trying to get anything done about it because clearly Blizzard care more about saying they’re doing things to combat botting than actually combatting botting.


If you wanna use it, just use it. Blizzard hasn’t done anything recently.

But ask yourself:

  • Is it worth to play a game where 70%+/- cheating?
  • What’s the point if bassicly the bot does all the work? are you really accomplishing something yourself?
  • Don’t you have any integrity… (torwards people that don’t cheat).

I asked myself these questions and it resulted in not playing this game anymore. I played daily active in non-season the past 3 years.

Have fun!

Also, if we now know they are not going to stop obvious botters, it’s safe to assume a D4 or other like game will have the same response to botting, so don’t play it if you like fair competition…

I read they use bounty bots on another account (for banning purposes surely). But how do they pass anything (mats, gear) to the main account?

Edit: and since everything is soulbound why does it matter if you have tons of mats? Is it all just for the leaderboards? Are there any awards other than … fame?

Naughty cheating account does bounties. Once all 25 bounties are complete the naughty account invites three “legit” accounts into the party. Bounties are then handed in so the “legit” accounts get 5 bounty caches. Repeat ad nauseum.

The reason why bounty materials / death’s breaths / forgotten souls are useful is because they’re used in the cube’s recipes for upgrading rares to legendary and re-forging legendaries. This means players with lots of mats get a lot more opportunity to reforge, and therefore more opportunities of obtaining good ancients or primals.

Better gear helps towards higher leaderboard clearances.


But that means the player/main account needs to be on standby while the bot is doing bounties. It’s not as if you can leave it play all night and then wake up in the morning to see what legendary gear it has “caught”.

F**K NO !!!

If this funker gets anything is BAN for spamming in the forums (that seem to have no matter anyway)

Just my 2cents for forums officers… rest in pieces…

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Feel free to use it. I know a lot players over 7-8-9k para, botting since they were 3k, no worries.

Why dont they just label botters in leaderboard with “CHEATER!!” in that way half of the player pool wont get banned.

Because if they could reliably identify them as cheaters, they should be banning their account, not just shaming them.