Auction house removing was a mistake

I think AH would work but not with real money or gold. Gold was made far too easy to get, so this would need a 3rd kind of (new?) currency. Perhaps something you gain, say 100 for each day that you have appeared online ingame. It could be that you could daily talk to some NPC to get those credits. Of course account wide, you can’t repeat that on all alts.

It doesn’t matter what in-game currency is involved. If open transfer of items is a possibility then highly desired items will involve out-of-game real world money transfers. In your example of 100 daily tokens, the seller of the SuperWeaponOfDoomPrimalAmazingnes™ advertises that they will transfer this when, and only when, someone has paid them $25. The buyer sends them $25 and then they do the in-game transfer of the item for 1 daily token.

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Now, when BiS items are hard capped, there would only be maybe 1-2 primals per slot per class that would be worth something. That’s because every season every class has only one best build for pushing max rifts.
Yeah, now primals with proper attributes are as hard to get as high rolled trifectas, BiS weapons were in vanilla. Most players will never get them.
Obvioulsy, there is a point, where paragon level is only thing that truly matters.