Blizzard please can you give me a break here?

No, the unlock for primals is separate for each of the four game modes, i.e.

  1. Softcore non-seasonal (once unlocked, remains unlocked forever)
  2. Hardcore non-seasonal (once unlocked, remains unlocked forever)
  3. Softcore seasonal (needs to be unlocked each season)
  4. Hardcore seasonal (needs to be unlocked each season)

If you want access to primals in Season 21, you need to solo a GR70 in Season 21.

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Meteorblade thank you so much

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adding to what meteor already said

The first time you complete a gr70 in a season you are guaranteed a primal drop

ha ha that’ll never happen for me. I only to Seasons for the Pet and Wings … well if they unlock from Chapters 1-5 … i can never do Chapters 6-9

actually i am going to disagree with you here :smiley:

there is a very easy to play build called the lazymancer for necromancers it requires very little keyboard/mouse input to play. You might be able to do 70s with it

Look it up it could be a really good build for someone with your disability

edit just checked your profile and it seems you are already aware of the build :))

I suggested something similar back in March…

yeah “Filthy Casual” from youtube sent me a easy build and it works but in Seasons its hard to get the paragon i need to do gr70 in the timeframe even if I Leech etc.

You need to rank up your pain enhancer gem. On your profile its rank0 maybe you used it for an augment.

If you want to get the most out of the build you really need to focus on that gem to get it as high as possible as soon as possible

dont bother with this guy he is just a bored 14y old troll trying to get a reaction out of you.

Just flag his posts and he will get silenced by blizz soon enough

Yep. Thank you both for being helpful to the OP.


thanks :slight_smile:

No green text?

The MVP program is server region specific. MissCheetah is an MVP for the US forums (which is why her text is green over there) but not for the EU forums (which is why her text is white over here).

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ok thanks


Yeah, as Meteor said, it is Region specific. Same with our Trust levels so I am a trust noob over here. I also can’t talk to any of the EU blues directly because my program is US specific. VERY few folks are in both the US and EU MVP programs at the same time.


Something you might like to hear, is that D4 should have controller support on PC so you will have more options for accessibility. There is also an email you can use to bring accessibility issues to Blizzard’s attention. It may not get a direct reply, but it does help them going forward with game design to meet the needs of more players. Feel free to tell them what your challenges are, and what game changes or input device changes might help.

Here is the article about it with the contact info. Blizzard Support - Accessibility at Blizzard Entertainment



are there any mvps for europe? i never seen any

Would you like to know a secret? HTML / bulletin tags count towards the character count, even if they’re not displayed. So, you could write something like this…

Under 20<small></small>

…and whilst the post contains 23 characters only eight of them are displayed in what the reader sees.

Heck, so do the emoticons…

Under 20 :upside_down_face:

…again, that’s 27 characters, but what you’d see as a reader would be

Under 20 :upside_down_face:

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There used to be, but I think the program is mothballed. There are no US D3 MVPs either anymore. Nevalistis was the last person left on the Community team and I was the last person posting under the D3 MVP tag so it made no sense to do more with it. She left for another company and they have finally hired a Community Lead who is hiring two new CMs. There will be Associate CMs and such down the line as DI and D4 come out. They have to rebuild everything. If there will be an MVP program is up in the air. They will likely have something, but no idea what that program might look like or how they will select people. Regardless, the EU CMs when/if hired would have control over the EU MVPs and their selection.

Any Green you see on the US D3 boards is actually Tech/Customer Support MVPs. Including me. I am also in the WoW Community MVP program. Yes, that made 3. There are kind of unofficial “MVPs” on the US boards who were manually awarded TL 3 because they do guides and such so needed the formatting permissions and image permissions.

The US mods, even the CS management, can’t even touch these EU boards, oddly enough.


learning a lot today :slight_smile:

thanks to both of you

No problem. Answering questions is how I ended up green to start with as TS for D3. Heh. Blizz does not really care about MVPs helping them, they care about MVPs helping players.

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Zealos I’m actually 43 and I rarely look here. god forbid I inconvenience you :slight_smile: you can’t please some people