Blizzard what are u old guys doing?

So now u get kicked for using Area Damage cuz ur game is downsydromed… GJ!!

u guys at blizz are so old days now

i have Deleted everygame you have long time ago, just Diablo left, its soon gone too!

Imagine u cant use something u should use in the game xDDDDDDDDD


If people are kicking you because of using area damage, that has nothing to do with Blizzard. And don’t forget to delete the app as well.


it has everything to do with blizzard. they did put area damge in a game run on shitty servers


What? ofc its blizzards fault, they have Area Damage in Paragon and when u using Points on it ppl kicking you cuz the game starts lagging! its all blizzards fault.

They have the AD there for u to use Points on it…

What i dont get is that i have never seen that problem before, it started now in s19

Its like you buying a car, but you cant use the light cuz the car will have problems. oO

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Yes and has blizzard updated the T&Cs stating that all players that use area damage must be kicked? No.
I have never heard of people kicking others for using area damage before. You ran afoul of some unpleasant players. They are the ones that kicked you, not Blizzard.


Well ye i know who kicked me, but thats not the point here, i got kicked cuz i use something blizz have in the game, something u should use Points on.

and im not the only one talking about this AreaDamage problem in s19, i have seen a few posts and ppl talking about it ingame chat.

but do they care ? do they give any info about a fix ? nonono, they prob know about it, but coffe more important.

This is why ppl keep leaving Diablo for POE. Maybe i should start Learning that game too.

If you’re doing 4-man GR120+ and playing certain classes, e.g. WW/Rend Barbarian, you’re going to be expected to have zero Area Damage, i.e. no AD affixes on gear, and having NOT allocated 50 paragon points into it, otherwise lag occurs due to the large amount of server-side calculations it causes in mob density.

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Are you really ignorant to the truth of reality or just want to troll and or spread misinformation in either case I call you out!

Peace & Love!

So just adjust the programming! Again this is CLEARLY Blizzards fault this must be addressed as this has been the case for many years now since season 2 I think it was a minor issue became progressively worse. Also why not invest in more server processing capacity. Also why not remove AD completely and enable 5 more paragon points in every other skill??? Solution is simple there is a multitude of them even having base AoE. Until this is addressed it spoils gameplay it is very restrictive it is senseless and must be changed effective immediately!!!

Peace & Love.

I totally agree but this doesn’t alter the fact that until and unless Blizzard fix it, high level groups are going to want heroes that do not cause the issue. Players have the choice of removing AD or not playing in high level groups.

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And swoosh you only have 1 char, what do you know a bout The game ,almost nothing. So deleteand be happy. Bye bye

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robavatar What are u talking about ? u got some downsydrome problems ?

i have 1 character this season, but i have played the game since it came out, wtf?

and why would i have more characters ? better work on 1 and get him somewhere

and BTW you are cubing mortick`s brace, plizz og play tetris

Bye, bye and good luck with POE. :smiley: Poe is lagging on regular basis. And if you are so brave to decide to play on group, you will understand what the word lag mean. :smiley:
Blizzard is not obligated to you, to me or to anyone doing anything more with the game. We should be happy the game still receive some support.

The old guys have went away years ago, only old pigs left.

They must have so much lagg cuz everyone play the game over D3. LOL

Swoosh i dont know what you mean, i think morticks on hota ik barb is a very viable choice. And i never played Tetris btw

If you wear Mortick’s, that means you need Bracers of the First Men in the Cube so you lose the benefit of Magefist, i.e. you lose 20% fire damage for the protection offered. Most times the limit on getting new GR levels is damage output rather than mitigating incoming damage so taking mitigation by losing damage isn’t a particularly good choice.


Ok can relatie to that meteor ,i only looked at icy veins And they cubed Morticks. Not that iT matters hardly play hota barb pity because i like but on lb no hotas to be seen. Nice christmas

Looked Just at diablofans first build that came up also wearing morticks

But if you wanna push i understand, still not a bad option So i need to play tetris