Campaign question

Morning. Can someone confirm whether it is still the case that if on an unlocked region I run the season in campaign mode(to start with) that it doesn’t unlock non season at the end of the season please. I know that used to be the case and am hoping it’s changed. If it hasn’t I’ll run it in non season instead.
Thank you
( not for this account, obviously)

Your progress and achievements in season is usually (always?) carried over to non season - but I suppose that you do know that it’s possible to reset the campaign for each hero if you wanna do a fresh campaign start.

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If you complete the Campaign Mode during the season, that unlock will transfer to non-seasonal at the end of the season.

However, the proviso is this… you need to maintain at least one of the heroes that have completed the Campaign. If you delete all the heroes that have completed the Campaign, you’ll lose access to Adventure Mode until you re-kill Malthael.

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Thank you both for responding. :clap:t2: Glad to hear it does cross over, I didn’t fancy doing it twice tbh.

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Well, also bare in mind that it’s really easy to get the unlock done non-seasonal if you want to. All you have to do is ask someone that’s already killed Malthael to invite you to a group, start a Campaign game at the quest to kill him, and then you join the boss kill. That gets you the unlock without having to complete the entire campaign.


So sorry for late response Meteorblade, that is super helpful and I didn’t know that. I’ve been playing since pre RoS as well; obviously not keeping my finger on the pulse. Thanks again

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