Campaign too easy :O

I played Diablo and Diablo 2 a very long time ago, so I decided to buy this game too. Unfortunately it seems to lack any kind of challenge?

I play necromancer and blow constantly the whole map away (I mean, it has zero mana cost, so why not?). I increased difficulty after the first act and just finished the second act on hard. I killed Belial in less then 10 seconds on hard cO which surprised me. He should be a challenge an endboss for act 2. I never ever took any kind of damage, I’m always sitting on 100% health even against fights like butcher (which died in few seconds too) or Belial.

I don’t know, I had my fun for few days but it’s getting boring, you’re literally on god mode, always.

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Well, the game does have 20 difficulty modes. Crank it up.

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Really? Never tried out since it was greyed out after changing it to hard and the game said I have to create a new game… and I’m not willing to start over

It doesn’t mean you need to start over. Quit the game, raise difficulty and you can proceed from the last checkpoint.

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Grump, you’re about seven years late to the party… But start a season hero in adventure mode and switch to campaign mode when you’re level 60 or 70, then you can crank up the difficulty.

It’s not necessary to level a character to 60 or 70 in adventure mode in order to crank up the difficulty in campaign mode.

When you are in-game, any new characters can only raise the difficulty from Normal to Hard and no further than that. In order to go to a higher difficulty, you must do the following:

When you have launched the game (or exited your current game), before you click the “Resume Game” button, click on “Game Settings”. On the right side of the dialog box that appears, click the “Change” Button. You can then select anything from “Normal”, “Hard”, “Expert”, “Master” and “Torment 1” to “Torment 6” difficulties. Torment levels 7 to 16 become available later in the game.

Click on “Resume Game” to restart your game on the selected difficulty from where you start ended.

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For a fresh hero, without the campaign completed, that’s not right…

When you start up a game of Diablo III, you’ll be able to select the difficulty level you’d like to play on. By default, Normal, Hard, and Expert are available. You’ll unlock Master difficulty when any of your characters completes the game, and Torment difficulty when any of your characters reaches level 60.

So, difficulty levels available to a hero are…

Level 1 - Normal, Hard, Expert
Level 1-59, with Campaign complete- Normal, Hard, Expert, Master
Level 60 - Normal, Hard, Expert, Master, Torment 1-6
Level 70 - Normal, Hard, Expert, Master, Torment 1-16

As the OP hasn’t completed the campaign, or reached level 60, the highest difficulty setting they can start a game in is Expert.

However, if they want more of a challenge it’s possible. An existing level 70 hero starts a Torment 6 game and invites them into it, then leaves the game. This leaves the sub-70 hero in a Torment 6 game (the highest difficulty a non-70 can be in) and they can level up at Torment 6, dropping down difficulty levels if they find that too difficult.


OP, the campaign mode is very misleading - when you get to lvl 70 and finish the campaign, try the harder difficulty modes. Trust, me, the game will become challenging.

Actually, my niece started a hero just a few days ago, and is currently on Level 31 and has not yet completed the campaign. She can if she chooses to do so, select Torment 6. She’ll not last a second to be sure, but the option is still there.

You’ve mentioned playing with her in previous seasons which means, I presume, that she at least got a hero to level 70. In which case, we go right back to what the Game Guide says…

You’ll unlock Master difficulty when any of your characters completes the game, and Torment difficulty when any of your characters reaches level 60.

The reason her new hero has access to T6 is because she’s previously had a level 60+ hero.

The original poster has neither completed the campaign (to unlock Master) or reached level 60 (to unlock T1-6) so the highest difficulty game they can start is Expert.


or maybe the game is really hard but you are just a really good player

Here are screencaps of the difficulty selection screen from her account, with a Season 18 hero selected:!ApNPUvsKitb8iYNme9MAMzZB4UIN5A?e=mcPOjY


Others are talking about the requirements in normal (non-season) mode.

“Seasonal” hero has adventure mode unlocked, without completing the campaign.

Season and non-season modes are different.

A new seasonal hero can choose up to T1 (or T6? Don’t remember this clearly.). T7-16 shall be unlocked after reaching level 70.


up to T6 seasonal pre lvl 70. Post lvl 70 the full range of torment levels are available.

Campaign mode is different, limitations on torment as per MB’s posts (he is correct).

I’ve got a level 1 hero on the US region. It’s the only hero I’ve ever had on the region. I’ve never killed a single mob there. Obviously, that means I’ve never completed the Campaign, and I’ve never reached level 60. Here are the difficulty levels available to her…

Your screenshots of your niece’s account show that she has access to Torment difficulties. Well done, that’s proving my point, i.e. the reason she has access to those is because she’s ever had a level 60 hero.

belial used to be tough for new players solo, real tough, easy when grouped tho, how things change, hes a pussy cat now, without any claws

Yeah, I distinctly recall not being able to get past Belial in the vanilla Diablo 3 without help.

Since then, he’s been nerfed a bit. You should try and take him on solo while wearing the new Squirts Necklace amulet (from Patch 2.6.6). It almost reminds me of what he was like 7 years ago…