Can we have druid's in diablo 3 please blizzard

like the topic say’s i know that druid’s are coming to diablo 4 but i think they should also come to diablo 3 if it’s upheld and upkept and supported throughout diablo 4’s tenure and lifetime.

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Blizzard are EXTREMLY unlikely to add a new class at this stage. The best you can hope for is some druid teamed set. Demon hunters Maruder set are made for having plenty of pets out for instance but admitably, the sentries are hardly “druidic”. You can play D2Ressurected or wait for Diablo 4 to play a druid class.

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Diablo Immortal will be released in 2nd of June, on PC also, and Diablo 4 is under developemnt. no new class will be added to D3…

yes please add druid to diablo 3.
I would even pay alot for that dlc if druids are added

diablo 4 isnt as good.

id like to have druid in my longest played diablo game.

that is just my opinion.

Blizzard is moving on to d4. D3 will just be in maintenace mode like starcraft. For new classes, i would love to play as a blood knight. Always fancied being a anti-hero, like the Ghost Rider or Spawn.

I am aware that they are moving on to D4.

But one can always hope.

There’s no harm in asking.

Any new classes to D3 would be a welcome sight.
This discussion can hopefully spark some ideas and hopefully make them add it to the game.

If not, I really hope that D4 will one day become as fun for me as it is to play D3.

That’s just my opinion tho :slight_smile:

Im with you on this one. As much as I am enjoying D4 I still prefer D3 and would hapily pay for another DLC with new characters. They could also upgrade/change all the useless legendaries and make them usable for all new builds. Plenty of great ideas out there if they ask around and with so many unhappy D4 players it is more than just a good idea.

There is zero chance of getting an expansion or a new class in D3. Years ago there were plans for an expansion but they were scrapped and some of the content was added to the existing game (new maps, zones etc.).

We might as well take full advantage of season 28 and hope for the best in season 29 before D3 goes into full maintenance mode only.


Could you expand on what maintenance mode involves? I’m hoping it doesn’t mean bugs dont get fixed, and stuff like that

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It should mean no new content. It remains to be seen how returning themes are going to be implemented. Obvious bugs that might occur should be fixed of course - but there are some long standing bugs that will probably never be adressed :slight_smile:
It’s also not impossible to imagine minor tweaks to stats and numbers.


Look. What I really want to see is a new sort of gameplay, where enemies of the Nephalem have turf wars with each other, and battles . Like Colossal Golgors having a little wobbler with those exploding bloaty dudes, so they half kill each other, then we can go in and take sides, but what we are really looking to do is massacre the lot. Also , it would be great to see a mutiny of moon clan impalers against those Morlu incinerators.

There is nothing worse than being a melee character, surrounded by a posse of Groteques that swell and explode right in your face.


Diable 3 : Demon Revolution

Id buy that

We’ll see. Im hopeful for what season 29 will bring to the table

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