Code 1016 problems only in eu?

i writin here, just for my curiousy. And i want to know how many of us suffer this “code 1016” . Suffer after tryed all things they said.

Things :
I cant play in eu servers more than 20min,this was my max,but mostly its happens after the enter or a few minutes.

The most intresting thing,afterall i got nothing problem this with the americans servers(just like communitys fced up in ue nearly only)
Only blizz app games are crush, like hs or d3. also crushing even resintall the hole app and the games also.

So this is my experience, and i ask the forum moderator to NOT TO HIDE this topic to the techinical issues, bc there is a new season start and along more friends join and got the same issues, is not a funy thing.

I ask the community to not tell what i could do, bc i already done most of them, trusth me.
Just write ur name if u got this problems. MAybe they recognized NOW the problems not in the users.

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In the last twelve months, I’ve probably had no more than one occurrence of that.

“1016” is a generic connection error, not related to any specific cause. In most cases it’s caused by some link between the client and the server glitching, effectively resulting a disconnect. As it is outside Blizzard’s hands, they can do pretty much nothing to it.

than why only i got connection problem with blizz games as for me Hs and D3, while i easy run all other like browsers, youtube, Wolcen and so on.
And the most intresting why not gto connection porblem with the americans server?
I understand what u are said,but if my router is fced why i can do thats all?except the eu servers?

Because the traffic is routed to Blizzard’s EU server through one specific route and to US server a completely different one. And all other services use their own routes.

You are point A, the EU server is point B and the US server is point C. The hops between A and B are completely different than between A and C.

I got an Error 1016 a few days ago, but it was not due to any Blizzard issues. My modem power and the game connection was dropped as a result.

Other than that, since the 2012 release date of Diablo 3, I’ve suffered maybe 3 or 4 disconnects in total…


That is how brainwashed I am.

I have been having the 1016 error since season 19, and also I play just fine on the Americas. I have just like you tried every conceivable thing. Its a joke that we cant play on eu at all.

I have a disconnect error once in a while. Try and google: diablo 3 code 1016

they probably run the European ISP servers with knicker elastic and gerbils on a treadmill

I used to have it consistently when I was using wifi to play. Once I plugged in a hardline it stopped happening.

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Wi-Fi connections are good for WhatsApp and quick e-Mail checks on a phone. Hardline is always better for gaming or indeed any other application on a PC or Laptop.


Yeah, the only kind of gaming it’s fine for is mobile games. More powerful games? Always use hardline.

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