Hi, The colors of the item properties are different on console and PC.
On PC, primary and secondary properties (in blue) have a gray diamond next to it if the propoerty counts towards the overall stats (damage/toughness/healing), and a orange diamond next to the text if the property does not count. Legendary in orange obviously.
However, on console there is a third color - a gold/yellow text with a gold/yellow diamond next to it.
I think you mean the yellow-filled diamond. PC version also has this diamond.
Read the section “Meaning of Diamond Icons on Item Detail Sheet” of this:
Thanks MonstroP.
In PC version, +Max Wrath is secondary affix but the other affixes are primary.
Console version seems don’t separate them.
Anyway, I’ll add the image to the wiki later.
If you find anything worthy to add to the wiki, you are welcome to leave a message there.
Sure - will do. On PC - do all the affixes listed above have a orange diamond next to them?
I also to believe console separates primary and secondary affixes, but only with a blank space between the two - see this picture: https://i.imgur.com/mP6npRb.jpg
What has happened to this topic? Cant find it in the “Console discussion”, and so many “(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged))”?
The withdrawn posts were myself and Boubou discussing the reduced requirements to obtain Trust Level 3 (which allows users to embed pictures into posts) and we agreed that, as that had nothing to do with the subject of the thread, to delete them.