D2R console or pc - why not both?

I can’t post on D2R forums because I don’t own the game… Except I do, on PSN. I’ve linked my account.

I took real time debating between PC version and PSN version. I opted for console but have since discovered there’s a real lack of community/chat features. I understand there’s cross-play, so I’d love to be able to play on PC or PSN as the mood takes me… But that means paying full price for the game twice? That’s crazy…

Release a £15 add-on or something to play on multiple platforms?

If this can be moved to D2R forums rather than deleted, I’d appreciate it.

Threads can only be moved between sub-forums that are in the same region. The D2R forums are all on the US forums, so this can’t be moved there. Having said that, the US Console Discussion forum already has many threads lamenting the lack of features on the console version of the game, along with a large number of players having refunded their pre-orders as a result.

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