D3 season 21 made me puke. Literally

Sorry for such details in the topic. But this is a fact. I am 28 years old. Nothing like this has ever happened to me. I definitely do not have epilepsy, I’m sure of it. But I just got sick. I’ve had a headache for almost an hour.
I cleaned the portal and in 6 minutes the brightness and gamma changed 8-10 times. Complete darkness was interrupted by bright flashes of lightning. A damn bright golden circle periodically appeared around the character. Which literally blinded me.
And after a while I felt really bad…

Some locations become literally invisible.
Here is an example:
I did not do anything with the photo. Thats how the gameplay really looks like.
I did not change the graphics settings or something like that.
Аnother example from my friend:

I never thought that D3 could affect my health.
Maybe I just didn’t see a warning in the announcement of season 21 that it was not recommended … to healthy people?
I think that a sensible decision would be: immediately remove the visual effects of buffs and apologize to the community.
Perhaps you should change the team of game testers.

Sorry for my English, I used an online translator and my meager language skills.


I can feel for you. Most of the threads in the us forum are related to how badly the theme affects people. Like seriously giving them physical ailments. I didn’t experience something similar but it sure is unpleasant to put it mildly. The 3 worst things for me are:

  1. The horn that sounds every one minute
  2. The constant darkening and brightening of the screen on top of already dark or bright tilesets (like the snow map)
  3. The effects on the ground that look exactly like monster affixes so you don’t know if you are standing on a poison pool or it’s just the aftermath of the meteor.

Just going to help out here by embedding the screenshots you linked so people can see them easier…


I don’t usually post on the forum but this season is HORRENDOUS. I haven’t had any vanishing terrain. However when you add the particles of the seasonal buffs with the particles around Caldium, I probably misspelled that, it can make the screen so dark and cluttered that it gets hard to see the enemies.

We can’t even turn those effects down to mitigate the negative effects of the overlapping particles. It’s like they just said, “You know what the players will LOVE? Turning the game as dark an the soul of Activation Blizzard!”


Hello, my troubles beginning with season 21 as well. I also post very rare on forums, but now i must, and i hope Blizzard will see this and do something (remove season theme/buff). My screen is freezing 2-3 times per hour, and this is very frustrating. Yes, freezes happen all time, but before season 21 it was 1 time per week or so…

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I play Diablo 3 only casually these days but this season is not one to enjoy. I have played for like three hours with a friend so far and we are both annoyed of it. The theme seems to be a thing like…constantly. Since timers are individual, when yours is over, you see and hear the other one from your party member. I don’t even wanna know how group play with four players is like.

Besides the dark and sometimes odd screens we get, I also have another problem with it. Or better said two. I really like the Nemesis effects, I really do. But now they pop up constantly and I start hating the sounds. I play on a PS4 pro on the couch using a surround system. This sound is annoying as hell if you hear it all the time like something big is happening. Then a lightning flash comes out of my DH which does nothing to any white mobs lol. At least at this early point in the journey where I do not have stacks in a 400 region. This is the definition of “too much”.


Update from the US Community Manager…


Thank you. I thought I was being overly sensitive - I’m sometimes photophobic and am prone to migraine. The “lightswitch effect” of the gamma changing every few seconds has seriously given me pause with playing this season. I’ve now turned my gamma way up so it’s easier to see what’s going on. My head cannot handle bright light to pitch blackness over and over, and like you I have felt dizzy, nauseous and headachy. BLIZZARD PLEASE SORT THIS OUT.

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Interesting, I’ve been getting sore heads but was putting it down to other factors, may of just found the cause.
I have macular degeneration in one eye and the brightness makes me have to turn away from the screen, please sort it blizzard.


In the words of my wife, did they actually play test this before putting it out?.. or what displays are people using they can’t see how horrendous it is…

I feel your pain this seasonal theme has been tremendously bad for many reasons, even I have fallen ill from the effects this season, with countless headaches and right as I’m typing this message I’m currently suffering from a heavy migraine. There are just too many flashy lights and like someone else pointed out that it gets really confusing with all the elements on the screen sometimes I really think that it is the enemy attacks and I avoid it only to realize that they came from my character, so I have to constantly stare at the little icon ticking down to be sure that the elemental attacks comes from me which have led me to death plenty of times and that is no joke and the problem doesn’t stop there some enemies have the poison elemental attack which blends right in with the seasonal buff or the whirlwinds that blends in with the bosses whirlwinds, it’s just bad game design to a T.


Just stopped to say Yes this season is from hell creator should burn in there…twice!

This problem may be heightened by the use of 0-255 RGB than using a much more tolerable 16-255.

Grayscale in our vision is as important as D65 in white.