D4 Devs caving to PoE and D2 players

If D4 is gonna be like path of trash or D2 i hope only those loud mouths who act like a majority and cry on forums to get what they want… I hope only they will buy that game.


Information i couldnt live without.


Looking at things like the current itemisation and an access to respec, it looks like D4 takes a lot from D3. Really it seems like the only thing they have taken from D2 is a skill tree with skills that can have multiple points invested into them, a change from D3’s skill rune system.
D4 seems to have more in common with D3 than D2 i.m.o., the way it should be, so don’t panic.
Franchises need to evolve, using the best elements from the previous instalment while also introducing new elements. Not backtrack and only reuse old designs, that would only create an extremely stagnant series.


Dont worry, just ask nicely for your beloved unicorns, they can hold your hand all the way to final boss. And if by any chance you get killed, a teddybear will hug you until hp is full again.

Could be constructive, but i save it for a topic thats woth it.


Or… Or hear me out here…Rainbow jellybeans puff out of the final boss and showers you with mounts like lion’s and tiger’s and bear’s ohh my. then legendary items start spewing out then come the primals. and in sted of blood on the floor theres strawbery gem and Nutela. Finaly when the boss uthers his final words he sais in a whispered voice ‘‘Candy Crush’’…

P.S devs are not caving to no one they do what they have to , difference is now there listening to the comunity and as allways majority wins the rest follow. Point beeing the people that play Diablo 2 , Poe , Grim Dawn and so forth know more about a games feel and mechanics then the casual player that only plays for a bit of fun and the easy adventure. Not many people like a easy strawl in the park game where if somthing dosent work as intended then whe just double it.insted of actualy finding a solution.

Now jokes aside If diablo 4 is anything like Diablo 3 …blizzard will be DONE. What was at the announcement of Diablo immortal will feal like a strawl in the park compared to what whould come.

Id be ok to take from diablo 3 the fluidity of the game , maby even some skills but if the trilion multiplyers show off and the 10 quintilion defence mecanic and so forth show up its a wreak from the start.

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would love to hear a constructive criticism instead of rants and bashing on “those players”


Ask your unicorns nice maybe it happens, then go marry your horse. The end, and have a good life.

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If D4 is no fun to play then I will just skip it, no problem for me. I am currently playing games that I missed out on due to playing to much D3, and I am happy I am. Dark Souls and Pillars Of Eternity are amazing games that I just started playing a year ago. Haven’t even touched Dark Souls 2&3, Children of Morta and a bunch of others in my list yet because I keep coming back to D3.

D4 will compete with that, or not. D2 and POE players need their time in the “sun” as well, not the end of the world if they will have it.

From the gameplay that I’ve seen, D4 looks like something you pick up on a steam sale for 6,99$ and play for 20 mins and then leave it in the library to collect dust with the rest.

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I kinda agree with you to some point. Diablo 3 is great game and Diablo 4 should be aiming to improve on that and deliver brand new game, not a Diablo 2 or POE copy.
Just because there is a lot of people complaining, doesn`t mean there is ton of people that actually like what they see in Diablo 4.


I hope they balance D3 before D4 is released, the way they balanced it after the announcement of Immortal last year. I will be playing D3 for many years to come if they do that. No need D4 with open world and D2-like endgame, and where you have to hack the game to be able to re-spec your skills.

The key dungeons sound a lot like the endgame in Torchlight 2, which are very little fun to me.

As long as it isn’t like diablo 3 I don’t care. They need to scrap what they did in that game and say sorry. Just like Sonic.