Diablo 3 bug Achivements

I have issues with two achivements that the Diablo 3 game doesen’t unlock. I play on xbox one with Diablo ultimate evil edition (reaper of the souls). The achivements that the game doesn’t unlock are:

  • The Wages of Sin: Complete the act III
  • Game of Bones: Use Bone Armor to rip the Bones from the Skeleton King

Hi!, I resolved the bugs. To resolve the bug for the act 3, you need to do these steps:

  • delete your game data from your console (NOT everywhere) and don’t touch the data cloud.
  • go to diablo 3
  • create new character
  • go offline while you are in the menu
  • start the game
  • complete the act 3 and play untill you unlock the first area in the 4th act (check if the game give you all points of the feast of the act 3 and the first point for the feast of 4th act)
  • return online
    Returning online the achivement will pop.
    To not restart all game, you need a friend with another profile in the same console, who is at the end of the act 2. The best option is to start from the boss of act 2.

The same method is valid to the Game of Bones achivement