Diablo 3 classic for season 20

Considering the succes of wow classic, i think diablo 3 deserves a time and place to relive the classic launch experience (without error 30035) event/season to remember what the game was at launch, with a functioning gold ah, doing the campaign multiple times to level to 60, etcetera . Cmon season 20 , u can do it, it will be fun to find unkillable packs and get our asses handed to us on hell difficulty and beyond. And the ladder/leaderboards and winning objective would be the team that can kill diablo and all the prime evils in the fastest times (just the bossfights).

A permanent classic season/option in the adventure guide would be fun.


Well, there’s a big problem already. No such thing ever existed nor ever will.

Meaning the functional part.

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Consider this a down-vote. :-1:


Here’s another down-vote.:-1:

That’s because the Auction House is what nearly destroyed the entire Diablo franchise to begin with. Have you never asked yourself why it was removed?


I never had to ask myself why it was removed, it was in legal and financial press outlets, that it was removed because blizzard faced legal trouble with existing banking and internet wallet currency laws and possibly tax laws that came with operating a real money version that they wanted to avoid … , they gotten real good at avoiding tax stuff as u might have read even more recently :slight_smile:

So u just downvote because of an auction house, and not just say u would like a classic version without the auction house … this is why we cant have nice things in this community and probably why we dont even have our own blue poster anymore on EU forum this last two months :frowning:

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No, I down-voted because I remember what an absolute pain it was to get gear back in Inferno Act III and IV. If you really think you want to go back to how hard it was, level a hero to 70, equip nothing but yellow gear, set the difficulty to T13 and go for months between legendary drops, you have to buy health pots, you have to individually identify yellows, you can go for a campaign run and your repair costs were more than you earned and, last but not least, realise that any mob might one-shot you if you fail your dodge check.

I played it. I was there. I’d never want to go back to it.


well what u describe is exactly the difficulty and pain the current people in vanilla wow are experiencing and having some fun with as we speak, by the millions. And u dont have to , it would be a season or adventure mode . Nobody forcing u to play it same way nobody forcing the wow players to play classic, just an extra option on top, for a nice change of pace from all this paragon farming, yellow item farming :slight_smile:

Please go step over there in front of the firing squad!
Damnit man original D3 meant being stuck in the same torment for ages hoping for ANYTHING usefull to drop (remember no smart loot, insane stat combinations nothing legendary/setitem)
Let’s not even begin with the clusterfuck that AH was … buying items with real money? I can hear the pay to win crowd coming in!
So no don’t go there

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I was just complained about not finding a cheaper way than buying keys for RoS and/or Necromancer from sketchy sites, and you want the grindiest piece of sh*t back? :stuck_out_tongue:

Base game was the main reason I originally stopped playing Diablo (games), because I’ve never been fond of it. Reaper of Souls changed that for me (and using a controller).


Todays players have forgotten what Kite means. upvote from me so n00bs can get schooled in not standing in the fire without a supermonk coming to save them for a 3 class game without being BK meaning Bench Klown.

We didn’t all play ranged heroes in vanilla.
It’s tough to kite as melee.


I dont think you get why wow classic was released…

WoW classic was good. With each expansion WoW got worse and people longed more for the classic days. That is why it is a succes.

Now diablo3 on the otherhand is horrible, now and even worse back then. Not a single person in the world has uttered the words “old d3 was so much better I hope it ever returns.”
In fact diablo fans all hate d3 in any form and pulling a classic would be DIABLO 2 not the garbage that is 3.

Speak for yourself. I have enjoyed Diablo 3 from the very beginning and have lived through some of it’s worst times and some of its best. But my interest has never waned.

In fact, the introduction of the new iteration of the “Squirts Necklace” amulet in Patch 2.6.6 in Season 18 has made the game feel as it was right from the very start, where you had to be careful about what you did and why. And that is because while it does give you more power, and it also makes you a glass cannon when you’re using it. Which is what Diablo 3 was like at the beginning.

Long story short. Diablo 3 was good from the start, and will remain so untill the end. I’ll wait and see until then when Diablo 4 is released.

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Just going to mention at this point that console players have their hero data held locally on their consoles, not on Blizzard servers, so they have no online profile page.

Whilst that appears not to be the case here, it is something you need to consider before just assuming that a lack of profile indicates a lack of knowledge.

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Fair enough. :grinning:

But @EoTRampage has still not provided sufficient reason why he so firmly believes Diablo 3 to be such a bad game, and why he insists on insulting those who do still enjoy playing it for as long as we have…

The game was crap when it first came out IMO. I seem to remember getting WD set items with strength or dexterity on them, which was incredibly frustrating.

The game now, compared to how it was is rather good now. I think it was salvaged pretty well.


edit: If D3Classic becomes reality (it wont) drops should be the same as back then. I still remember my 250 dps blue axe with 900 LoH :slight_smile:

I still remember getting a dual-socket Manticore and thinking I’d hit the jackpot… until I saw that it had rolled with INT.


The classic D3 we had was an awful experience yet challenging one. I remember when I just started playing D3 on its release, I focused on killing Diablo on highest difficulty. I spent like 400 tries on DH to kill it, no matter what. And I did it not for the reward, but to beat the challenge.

The good side of classic Diablo is how rare are legendaries and they’re feeling like legendaries when they drop. Everyone had different builds depending on what they’ve got. Now we getting shi~ ton of set / legendaries items and everyone getting desired build in hours. The bad side of classic is when legendary you get is worse than yellow one piece of equipment…

I think it would be nice to have classic-themed season with lowered drop rates and changed difficulties, but it’s quite hard to balance it so people won’t drop it. Idk, may be seasonal reward should be good for non-seasonal characters, because in this season you may stuck at yellow equipment for quite long time and non-seasonal characters with full ancient / primal equipment will laugh at your low-level paragon semi-yellow seasonal character.

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But that is what actually made them Legendary, isn’t it? Sort of like how even now it is possible to have a regular Legendary drop that is a better choice than it’s Ancient or Primal variations. That’s why getting the ever-elusive Ancient or Primal today is like a great Legendary from launch…

But I remember the days of Diablo 3 classic before Reaper of Souls. And exactly how hard the game was because it’s randomness was far more unforgivingly random than it is today. All I can really say is the 2.6.6 Patch has made Diablo 3 as close to the original launch game as it can possibly become.

And that is because of the introduction of the revised version of the Squirt’s Necklace amulet. It’s new legendary power increases your damage given, but also results in yourself taking 50% more damage. As a direct consequence your heroes become glass cannons, and this has made me play a lot smarter than I’ve grown accustomed to lately.

And that reminds me of the early days of Diablo 3. I don’t think we need a classic mode per se, but introducing new items that provide both an advantage and a disadvantage is a step in the right direction.