I bought Diablo 3 for PS4 in PSN (Russian and Polish language)
But after installation game launches only in Polish and there is no option to change language in in-game settings. I tried to reinstall the game but unsuccessfully, the problem still here.
By default in my system, I use English, and Russian is the second language.
How to launch the game in Russian (or English)?
PS No such problem with other games (100+ games in the library)
Did u try Library-purchased-press options on controller-check hidden content items? Sometimes the ps4 hides the other version of the game for some stupid reason
Hello. I got the same problem. Have you fixed yours already?
Same issue. Can’t play as mine is stuck in Polish. Did anyone find a solution?
Same here.
Sony support said there is no way to get the English version.
In order to get Russian one must change the PS4 system language to Russian and then launch Diablo 3 and then it should start downloading a rather hefty update to the game which is the Russian language pack. After it’s downloaded, launch the game and it should be in Russian.
Note that there is no option in the game itself to switch languages.
This is a rather odd choice on, I’m assuming, the part of Blizzard. Why not give us a language option?
I would really like to play the game in English…
I have the same issue. I do not know how to fix it. I need help.
Absolutely the same problem for PS4, cant change language from Poland, have anybody fix it?
I know the PS3 version has Eur version at 22gb download but there is another version in Russian @ 11-12gb… Don’t know if PS4 has same downloads… Mine is English on PS4 and PC. Do you want me to boot up my PS4 and have a look what options I have… Ultimate with D2R included… SORRY - Prime Evil…
Diablo 3 Eternal only lists German, English, Italian, French and Spanish with my version. NO option in-game to change languages… Even tried Russian server to no Avail. Sorry but unable to help so I think BattlePants has the only solution.
Good luck all.
Bonjour, je viens d’acheter Diablo 3 RoS sur Xbox 360 (en téléchargement). Dans le descriptif, c’est bien la version en français mais tout le jeu est en anglais.
J’ai essayé de lier mon compte xbox à mon compte battle.net pour avoir accès aux paramètres de langue comme expliqué sur plusieurs sites mais impossible de voir le jeu téléchargé malgré que ce soit le bon compte xbox Live qui est repris.
J’ai vérifié la langue de ma console qui est bien en français et j’ai retéléchargé le jeu 2x.
Rien Ă faire, il reste en anglais.
Pouvez vous m’aider à mettre le jeu en français s’il vous plaît car je ne sais plus quoi faire !?
Merci d’avance pour votre aide précieuse