Diablo 4 itemization

Hey guys, Now that there won’t be any ancient items, what i would like to see is still some more item types like for example cursed or corrupted items that has 1 or 2 bad affixes but are overall a little bit more powerfull then legendary items now if you equip to many you might get to much bad effects that it might be punshing. so it comes down to the best balance of items.

what do you guys think?

I think Blizzard has already said that regardless of item class (Normal, Magic, Rare, Set, Legendary) there will be affixes and properties that can have either positive or negative effects on your character.

It has also been stated that in some builds, equipping an item with a negative effect may even be desirable!

Your idea, while sound in principle, is really like an Ancient Legendary but with some negative properties. :thinking:

Completely removing Ancient items from D4 is a very good idea.

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I have a few points. My 3rd has to do with items 1. Diablo should have a Hostile button/easy player controlled party options. If you want a safe game ‘inviting to duel’ go back to World of Warcraft. The outside world lets you know when its go time, instigated by the instigator. Anything less is baby gloves patronizing the player. Players don’t like no pvp, you take away REAL interaction 2. Ground drops. Going off the first point, the real enemy of the game isn’t a boss, but other players. Ground drops puts diplomacy and distribution in the hands of the players. Group loot is communism, and annoying because sometimes something will go to the wrong person and you have to trade. Ground loot means you have to potentially defend your claim if there are some untrustworthy people in the game, which is AWESOME regardless of how much people complain. Then who you’re playing with actually matters, and if 3 people are on a boss and 1 good thing drops, it creates politics, could break up online relationships. Lots of fun stuff, all REAL drama, not just boring button mash or daily quests. Someone steals your OP drop track em down and go hostile on their ass. YESSSS 3. D2 item system was way better. 3 tried to smooth it out too much. Lets say you play hardcore, and because you’re kind of sketched about going to hell with your current setup you farm NM until you can upgrade your set enough to survive. It means you could get a magefist in normal, and be like ‘sweet! these are my endgame. check that off’. Now everything is ratings which make everything meaningless (besides leveling) until max level. Everything is replaceable, meaningless along the way. It doesn’t matter what drops, the auction house for your new level will be much better. THe different acts used to mean something. Actual hurtles to surpass, not turn it up turn it down. It makes the game stupid. D2 you complete a quest and its done. Nice and simple. I know its debateable with the chapters because its much easier to help a friend right where they’re at, but it feels micromanaged past the point of gameplay. Sometimes its cool to have to build up to certain places in an act, and if someone happens to have a later wp it acutally means something special to the group. Anyways, total customizability is dumb imo. Normal, NM, and Hell was perfect. Random gear and a breastplate will get you through normal, NM you want to start having a build/set, and if you don’t have great gear hell is just 8 dudes slowly wearing down one carver lmao. I love it. If each area wasn’t wasting time (small chance actual endgame things that can be found at that point in the game with appropriate level). Not trying to get anyone in trouble but D2 was a great system just needed new content and graphics for D3. I’m not going to go too hard on the D3 content I actually really enjoyed most of it. Most of the new mechanics sucked and the similar button mash was the only warm blanket. It’s a lackluster experience, but with the right platform the story could have been an awesome adventure. Imagine if you were in a boss fight like the butcher or belial and another player goes hostile. Anyways, I hope D4 items are more like D2. I know I added in a bunch of my other opinions as well, but I feel like they have a very real interaction with the items and the experience as a whole. Thanks for taking the time to read this.