Diablo immortal in rift !

Am I the only one that have seen an immortal Diablo at the end of the rift of Northern Highlands map (equivalent), just before the Leoric’s manor entrance ?
Just at the teleportation stone level, a pentacle appears and an old fashioned Diablo appears. He systematically one shot me ^^ and I never managed to reduce his life under about 80%.

Enjoy the easter egg !

He appears if you (your group) achieves a 1000 kill streak in Season 19.


Ok, I’ve just seen a post about this event. Sorry for the useless thread. Have a nice game.

to still reply to this, the best way for you to get diablo down if you spawn him on high torment in a normal nephalem rift or other location(i don’t think he can spawn in gr since the highest i got before spawning the gr guardian was 500 kill streak)
is to have a high leveled bane of the stricken increasing your damage on him with every hit you do on him!

Incredibly resistant to every damage type, large HP pool, 360 degree cleave melee attack (1-shotting if hit), exploding circle of fireballs (1-shotting if hit), rotating lightning breath (1-shotting if hit) and then, when you do eventually get him down, this is what he drops…

I imagine that if you’re playing HC, it’s effectively suicide to spawn him.


Yup. Just got owned on T15 HC in cow level :confused:
I thought I will just slice through like everything else, but got 2 shotted instantly.

Sorry man what a sad way to learn about diablo immortal

Does it drop anything? Like in d2, D Clone will drop Anni charm

Scroll up three posts above yours to a screenshot showing the drops…