Diablo ps5 vs xbox series x visuals

Lately, I compared the HDR visuals of Diablo on PS5 vs Xbox series X and, I must see, the quality on the xbox by far exceeds that on the PS5. The xbox series x shows crisp and bright colourful graphics, while those on the PS5 are washed out yellowish dull. Very strange, because I truely maxed out both consoles. I have the (strange) feeling that this is either the (better) upscaling on the xbox or the built on the xbox is just better than the one on PS5! Strangely too, because Blizzard did not change its game for next gent consoles yet! Final advise, if you intend to play Diablo on next gen, please do this on the xbox series x! This is really an improvement in visuals compared to the PS5!! I would advise Sony to catch up their upscaling!!

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I agree. But the PS5 contoller is much better and quicker than the Series X controller.
Series X definately looks better. Absolutely.