Do higher tier greater rift drop primals?

I have been running grift 100 which it what I currently can farm without to much death.
And also done t16 visions. I am soon paragon 900. I haven’t got a single primal beside gr 70 reward,. So I am stuck on that on altar now.

What experience have you out there for the best way to get primals. To me it seems like the drop rate have been lowered.
At this point I usually have got a few, 2 seasons ago I did get so many I could even make primals after altar was finished. Now I can not even unlock the second potion.

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You shouldn’t die at all in speed greater rifts (speed GRs are usually around 3 minutes or less depending on the maps) unless in freak cases. So lower it to 90 where you are guaranteed 12 drops (of which 10 are guaranteed identifiables/ legendaries).

And don’t use Stricken for speeds. It only works on one, single monster at the time and on the RG when finishing it off takes too long.
Also, higher than 90 doesn’t increase chances of primals. (Apart from a small chance that all 12 drops can legendaries).

Yea okay I will do 90 and see how it goes. I use bane of the powerful for the constant 20% dmg increase.

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Primals are 1 in 400 legendaries.

Therefore, the best way to get more of them is to increase the number of legendaries per hour you’re earning. As Jazz mentioned, GR90 is the lowest GR tier at which the Guardian is guaranteed to drop 12 items (10 legendary, the other two can be white / blue / yellow / legendary). If you’re speed-running GR90+ in 3 minutes per run, that’s 20 runs per hour, which is 240 items (at least 200 of which will be legendary) from the Guardians per hour. You’ll also get some from Kadala using the bloodshards, so let’s say 250 legendaries per hour.

At those rates, 8 hours of farming gets you 2000 legendaries and, as primals are (on average) 1 in 400 legendaries, this should average out to 5 legendaries per 8 hours, which equates to 1 primal every 96 minutes.

Doing the runs at higher than GR90 will increase your XP earned, but will not increase the number of items dropped by the Guardian (although potentially more of the 2 random quality items may be legendary, so you’ll see more than the 10 legendaries per run minimum) so if the intent is to find items, rather than increase paragon, do these at whatever level you can maintain 3 minutes per run.

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Ty for the info. I will try maximize my hour drops and see if it gets better.
Also after having maxed the rest of the altar, its faster to clear grifts since the more orb drops from bosses. So I am doing 90 in around 3 min.

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I played a lot in season 30 and I had, at least what felt like, long periods (talking about days) where I didn’t see any primal drops. And then suddenly they would start to drop again so that the odds would even out. I also saw someone mention in the US forum that he’d get most primals from Visions. At that time I had done lots of Visions without seeing any primals, apart from maybe just a single (double) drop. And then some time after that I began to get quite a few primals from Visions. When the drop rate is 1 in 400 there is bound to be huge variances in how often you get them if you look at relatively short periods of time.

This site tends to demonstrate nicely…
And if we plug in some numbers for 800 drops, with 0.25% chance of primal…


Is the picture showing that in two cases the chance of getting two instances of the drop in 800 tries (4 primals with the Altar and 2 without the Altar) is about 28%?

Chance of exactly 2 drops from 800 is 27.1%…,probability:0.25!perc,r:2,type:0

Chance of getting at least 2 drops from 800 is 59.43%…,probability:0.25!perc,r:2,type:1

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Primal drops are random within the specified rate of drop.

i got a primal “Dawn” (the demon hunter’s weapon) in a level 25, sometime last year

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I have often gotten a primal Focus or Restraint ring in season. Always with affixes making it impossible to roll it better than any ordinary Focus or Restraint I had already gotten.

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The Binomial Calculator results I posted are predicated on 1 in 400 being the Expected Value as detailed in the
Law of Large Numbers

In probability theory, the law of large numbers (LLN) is a mathematical theorem that states that the average of the results obtained from a large number of independent and identical random samples converges to the true value, if it exists.

An individual player’s results can vary wildly from the Expected Value, especially over short periods, or small sample sizes. The 1 in 400 chance has been arrived at by people examining the outcomes of tens or hundreds of millions of drops.

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Suppose you did numerous 120+ amassing some 600 legendaries, then you go into a public game where they are running 20-40s.

even though fewer legendaries drop, for you, it could yield that coveted primal , as the game calculates in it’s algorithm that you haven’t had a primal for some time

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That’s known as the Gambler’s Fallacy

The gambler’s fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy or the fallacy of the maturity of chances, is the belief that, if an event (whose occurrences are independent and identically distributed) has occurred more frequently than expected, it is less likely to happen again in the future (or vice versa).

As far as I’m aware, there are no pity drops for primals which means there’s no such thing as a primal “being due”.


That is not what i wrote. I was referring to chance. I was referring to what might happen but doesn’t necessarily happen everytime

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It’s more like: the game calculates whether it likes you or not :grin:


I’m even wondering if it is a monthly love/hate algorithm. January and Feb, the game definitely did not like me.


I have similar experience with F&R. I have found an abundance of primals but all of them have 2 bad rolls out of 3. I have good legendaries and ancients though, with high values of double crit and the third stat can be whatever I like. But I have to admit even as normal/ancient these two pieces aren’t the easiest to get. Not as bad as amulets or off hands though.

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Well, I hit the stage of the Altar yesterday where I needed a Staff of Herding. Got the Gibbering Gemstone in 2 runs. Other ingredients in 1-3 runs each, with the exception of Izual needing around a dozen trips for the pattern. Now, I need 3 more primals to finish off the potion sections of the Altar. Not having any luck yet. Time to speed-farm GR90s, I guess.


… thats a nice way to put that you are basically cheating because you play with cheaters and youre fine with that.

theres no way someone does GR 120 in 20 to 40 seconds, you cant run that fast even if you had the damage