Does Arcane resistance reduce all damage types, or only holy damage in PVP?

Does Arcane resistance reduce all damage types, or only holy damage in PVP?

You have such great questions :+1: :slight_smile:
A google search showed me that Arcane resistance also counts for Holy resistance. Hope you’re enjoying this fine game.

That wasn’t actually what I asked though was it? I asked whether it reduces all damage types or only holy. But I found it out eventually by googling more myself. And it’s that arcane resistance only reduces arcane and holy damage , with arcane damage being a type of damage done by some wizard spells (And i think, some monsters, or maybe that’s just the same graphics, not sure). So your great answer didn’t answer the question I asked. And only a fan site did (Blizzard game guide doesn’t). So maybe next time you want to be sarcastic, try reading properly first before relying. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m sorry you’re having a bad time and I hope things are better soon for you. But just because you made a game doesn’t mean everyone else automatically knows everything about it. And if I could have found the answer from googling immediately I would have. tried first before posting. If it annoys you that much when I ask questions, just don’t answer though. That’ll save us both bother. And yes, thanks, I am enjoying the game, It’s very good. :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Best of luck with your gaming and don’t hold off asking again. Nobody wants to hurt or harm you.

I’ll start all over: Arcane resistance reduces both arcane and holy damage. But not other damage types, like fire, poison, cold, lightning, physical.
All resistance, which can be a affix on items, covers all damage types, and the value is added to each of the individual resistance categories. Armor, a separate category, reduces all kinds of damage.

PvP isn’t a big thing in Diablo 3 which is mainly PvE.

Ah right sorry. I thought you were annoyed at me. I feel stupid now. Sorry and thank you.

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No problem and thx. I was a bit semi-sarcastic to be true. There is a US blizzard d3 forum which is much more active than this eu forum. But it can also be more agressive in tone. So be prepared and warned :slight_smile: