Ethereal Weapons why only in seasons?

Hello support. I wanted to ask exactly why Ethereal Weapons were available only in seasons? Seasons are additional content. I don’t like play seasons, I have no time for it. But I bought the game and I play main content. As You mentioned earlier, the items from season will be available in mainline later. Why you decided that for those who bought the game, played it for 9 years but don’t like seasons these weapons can’t be played and tried? Why main game is not serious part for you? Why you think people that don’t play seasons don’t deserve to try these weapons?

It was only in the early seasons that some items were introduced that were made available for non season players afterwards. With the introduction of season themes things are different.

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From the PTR forums where the end of the ethereal season was tested…

We’re aiming to ensure that Ethereals do not transfer over to non-seasonal characters at the end of the Season 24. To test this, we’re emulating an instance of a season’s end during the PTR then later closing the PTR in a few hours time.

By design, we’re aiming to make Ethereals non-transferable and we’re hoping you can help us as the PTR ends. We’ll keep this thread open for any findings and confirmations of whether Ethereals will transfer or not.

There haven’t been season-exclusive items (i.e. legendaries that were only available to seasonal heroes, and then made available to non-seasonal heroes after that season ended) for years now.

Oh, and to head off your follow-up at the pass, the exact same thing is going to happen with soul shards when Season 25 ends…

We’re working to ensure that Soul Shards do not transfer over to non-seasonal characters for the official new season. To test this, we’re emulating an instance of a season’s end by turning off Season 25, and allowing players to continue to play within the PTR through the non-seasonal version of the game for a short period of time. This transition time will be the final focal point of testing for PTR 2.7.2.

By design, we’re aiming to make Soul Shards non-transferable and we’re hoping you can help us as the PTR ends. We’ll keep this thread open for any findings and confirmations of whether Soul Shards will transfer or not.