Ethereals drop rate

Hello fellow gamers,

I have a question regarding drop rate of new season theme items - so called ethereals. I’m a casual player ending each season around 800 paragon level. I’m a little bit concerned that I won’t see a single one ethereal dropped since I’m already on 666 paragon level.

Is it a common situation, that a player has to wait 600+ paragon levels to see what the season theme is all about? Or could it be my game is somehow bugged?

I tried about three times T16 vaults (without ancient puzzle). I’m currently playing on GR 90 or T16 normal rifts. I’m not interested in on workaround on lower levels, because my goal is not a collection of ethereals, but rather just seeing what it can do with my current build.

How long did you guys wait for your first ethereal drop?

Best regards

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In my experience the drop rate is about 1 in 100. But I see lots of complaints about players not seing any or just a very few.

I had three drop while levelling up in rifts on normal difficulty. The first at level 7 - but useless because it was for a different class. The next ones were at level 40 and 55. After that it took a while to see the next one (or ones) because even if the average is 1 in 100, sometimes it may take 200 drops or more to see an ethereal.

I found my first Ethereal at lvl 10. got my second one at 56 and then i have gathered 7 in total. and im only on paragon lvl 370ish

So i guess it’s extremly rare to find for some. I wish you luck.

I got my first one at level 13, and it lasted until level 70. I’ve had dozens of them since.

I actually had o ethereals drop until i was ll 70 and well into the first 100 paragons, but then they started dropping more and i actually got a very good one that i can use for my build, without the icy veins workarounds needed and i actually had an amulet also drop that negates the need of ancient spear so i have a free ability slot to use.
Guess it is pure RNG, but with no diminishing like in Legion were in if you get aroun 3-4 legas the droprate reduces. Kadala cannot sell them tho, so there’s that.

I got my first ethereal after 24h48m of play in a gRift lvl 60… a not too useful one, since it replicated (in a worse version) the power I already had in the cube.

So yeah… the Gods of RNG must have been looking the other way when I levelled up my Barb.

Oh merde! Excuse my French :laughing:

Quick update! Just only dropped my first ethereal of this season on 715 para level after 23h 47min of playtime.


it was stated to be between ‘ancient’ and ‘primal’, meaning that it’s likely around a 5% drop rate.

1 in 10 legendaries (10%) = ancients.
1 in 100 legendaries (1%) = ethereals.
1 in 400 legendaries (0.25%) = primals.

Are you reading the French version of the blog… 'cause that’s exactly the way it was translated into French. :slight_smile:

It takes me around 7-10 Greater rifts to find one. Approximately. Also, 1 in 10 ethereal drops happens to be for a different class :slight_smile:

My first ethereal was literally minutes after i created my seasonal hero when i was around level 10.

This far into the season, I’m going to assume those are at least GR90 which means 12 loots per Guardian, 10-12 of them being legendary. So, that’s an ethereal every 70-120 legendaries, i.e. 1 in 95. That’s close enough to the expected value of 1 in 100.

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Like 600 is nothing i boost ppl to 600 in 2h easy, and i didnt had problem with drops i get them a lot probably over 20+ ,problem is getting one with good passives

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it was confirmed a long time ago that primals are a 1% drop rate item, hence my original statement, it’s also showing that way on the chinese clients where all drop rates for items must be disclosed and aside from some potential aesthetic changes due to censorship it’s the same client that we use so i dunno where you’re getting that absurdly low drop rate for primals from.

You’re way off here.


1 in 400 more or less. So it’s 0.25%. Based on personal experience I’d say ethereals are around 1/100. Primals are way more rare.

I have around 20. A lot dropped during paragon 50 to 200. One or two thereafter. Then a huge downturn right up to paragon 900 or thereabouts.

It’s pure RNG, my WD got one at level 10, then another in the first GR at level 70.

Finished the season and had about 10 or so in total.

Then I started a monk to see how they are.
My first didn’t drop until Para 550 ish or so, just keep at it it will drop eventually.

But I just the cheesy tactics to get all, level WD to 31, use shards to get puzzle rings.
Create a level 5 of a class, go kill greed, 4-5 deleteing and creating a new level 5 with illusonary boots in cube.

It takes 4-5 times to get all 3 for every class, one class took 7 or 8 but one also took only 2 so RNG again.