By doing my own small amount of investigation and troubleshooting. At least in 2 cases (me and a friend of mine) found out that the problem lied in Realtek audio driver compatibility with last D3 patch and windows 2004 update. Literally disabling on-boar sound and adding a sound card solved all the issues. that was the case with 2 different pc’s experiencing this issue. This does not say it’s 100% the full reason, but gives a very good starting point. The fact that blizzard tech support is literally ignoring this issue for more than a month now is just ridiculous. especially since there are THOUSANDS of people experiencing this issue, though most just don’t bother writing on forums/feedback or stop playing altogether. There is no QA in diablo anymore, otherwise this would have been priority no.1 to have the game fixed…
i experience this multiple times each time i play the game
this thing is happening since season start.
Replacing fmodex64 with different one does not help anymore, it gives even more lag than it was before. Now after replace i got an infinity loading screen -> disconnect from server msg.
any solution?
other games does not get affected. Pretty sure its Blizzard trouble and they dont look forward to fix this. Read from us forums this FMOD error continues from 2013?? really?
Hell CraZyB,
We’re sorry to hear you’re experiencing this issue.
For those experiencing this issue still, for more specific and direct support, please collect your MSINFO as shown here:
and make a ticket at
I have same problem, I read how to fix and did all that and still I get freezing on every map. At first I thought maybe its my hardware, but its absurd. I have 6core cpu, SSD, 16GB of RAM and RX 580 GPU. I think its enough to run Diablo.
After I read some help about this issu I increased my virutal memory, I run battlenet as administrator, I updated my network and GPU drivers to latest version… I really dont know what else to do. And still I have freezing on every map. Blizzard should do something about this.
how can it be the players work to fix this? The game worked better new than now. Gonna fix or compensate us hc players soon? As I see it you own me 50 rank 100 gems by now at least. A “while” to fix . you piss on us hc players really, not all use bots, exploits or whatever. 3 ranked heroes lost since last 2 seasons just cause of this. rank is in rank 50+…
Hardcore is literally unplayable at this point. I’ve lost 2 fully geared characters in the last 3 days and I am playing completely solo on a machine that is 2 years old, both in a GR that I do in less than 3 minutes.
Last season I had the “luxury” to get 2 freezes while in town, so no harm was done, but this season I got it it back with the interest…
Can’t continue playing unless it is fixed.
Joke of a game. This crap is still happening at the moment for a game releashed nearly 10 years ago. So frustrating, every GR now automatically added 15, 20s at least due to freezing death.
Hi, I have the same, game is working for few minutes and crash with no report, or information. This is a bit annyoying.
Thread necro. No MSINFO given.