Help With Terminology

Hi, I am a bit new and I don’t know all the terminology and I couldn’t find
it on google, could someone please tell me what do they mean by (push)
like push builds or whatever, ok thanks.
This is a good place for guides and builds.
Pushing means trying to go as high as you can in Greater Rifts. Ie setting new personal records, and increasing your bloodshard count. It often involves “fishing” because when you get to a certain point of GR levels your own damage isn’t enough to beat the timer and you’ll need to get maps with good density of monsters (elites), good kind of monsters (that give progress, don’t do too much damage and aren’t too difficult to kill) and good pylons… and other things.
The opposite of pushing is “farming”.


I found a few lists of terms for D3. Oddly, none of them included Pushing as a term.

Pushing means trying to get on, or get higher on, the leaderboard, or getting high levels on your gems by pushing your hero to their limits in Greater Rifts. These builds are generally slower and focus on damage and toughness instead of speed. This is the opposite of farming or speed builds which focus on mobility, and are used for farming gear and low gem levels quickly.


Think of it as playing your build at its extreme. It’s the highest peak you can reach. You need to change your playstyle a bit when you push like jazz said. You can also compete in the leaderboards depending how high your push is. However, you need tones of paragons, high gems and really optimized gear if you want to aim really high. And lots of luck and “fishing”.

I think I’ve got it now, thanks guys :slightly_smiling_face:.

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ARQ = Almost rage quit
UBTOM = Unfriended because they outclassed me
SOTRNG = Sick of the RNG


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