[Homing Pads] don't emanate Update: Invigorating Gemstone lvl 25 effect stops Homing Pads from working šŸ™ƒ

Can someone test? Mine donā€™t emanate and thatā€™s kinda awkward on HC SSF.

I tried:

  • requip
  • dismiss follower and rehire

Invigorating Gemstone lvl 25 effect stops Homing Pads from working :upside_down_face:

Which hero is that for ?
What makes you think theyā€™re not working ?

Works fine for me on this hero:

on a blood nova necro in ssf hc. i put the shoulders on my enchantress and still damage interrupts my tp channel

edit: on your pic no mobs are hitting you

edit: SerasVII#2278 - Community - Diablo III (blizzard.com)

My Barb is Seasonal HCā€¦ not SSF. I donā€™t have a Seasonal SSF HC hero.

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Thanks for trying. Iā€™ve figured it out now, it only happens on that very specific char, not others, so there must be some weird bug going on. Iā€™ll just level another one and transfer my gear

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Does your follower have the ā€œYour follower cannot dieā€ item equipped?
If not, if your follower is dead, they canā€™t emanate powers until theyā€™re alive again.

I would try and change things a bit around before making a new character. Switch gear on the follower, switch follower and so on just for a short while, and then switch back to the original set up with homing pads on the enchantress.
Do the homing pads work with another follower? You can try on an easy level just to test.

I made a new char and it still didnā€™t work lmao, even though on the same char the homing pads did work! So I took my gear apart piece by pieceā€¦

Invigorating Gemstone lvl 25 effect stops Homing Pads from working :upside_down_face:

Interesting find. :+1:

I just did a search in the bug forum and was about to post the link here, when I noticed someone in the process of answering. And then Boubouā€™s answer showed up :smile:


This is one of those times where it would be nice to get feedback from the QA Team (or better still, the Devs) ā€“ like whether or not the current behaviour is as itā€™s supposed to be or confirm that itā€™s broken.



I even saw that maxroll advocates the use of the gemstone for solo pushing in s29 with homing pads on the enchantress for the tragā€™oulā€™s death nova build.

Not like thereā€™s an alternative pair of shoulders, but they couldā€™ve mentioned it xD Pressing T and Alt Tabbing out urge is strongā€¦

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