How To Use Monk, Help Please

Hi, I am a total noob with a monk this is the first monk I have ever had so I went
and collected a set for him and being that I don’t know which one is a good one I just chose one Patterns Of Justice and I went to check how to make your build with it on icy veins website and it looks ok but it’s not the way I want it, for one thing his movement speed is much to slow I’m looking for a set that will help to give him nice fast movement speed and secondly even thou I’ve been to icy veins website I’m still a bit confused about how to make the build because there is so much stuff on the icy veins website its confusing and I am a level 1055 paragon already but with my monk I am still stuck around torment 13 I don’t do enough damage and have enough defence to go any higher maybe up to 14 if I
really wanted to but that is about the limit, but one thing that is working properly is the way that the set regenerates spirit which is one of the things I want a set to help with as well if possible, could someone show me (step by step) please how to use Patterns Of Justice properly with nice fast movement speed or possibly suggest a different set to use that would give me the fast movement speed I am looking for and damage and show me how to make the
build and how to use it. Thanks in advance for any help.

If you want speed, look into the inna mystic ally build.

Also i would advise to use the site instead of icyveins, way better.

Hi thanks for the reply, I was just wondering do you know of any fast movement
speed builds that I can look up on maxroll that use Tempest Rush and of course
which set should I use with it, ok thanks again.

At the bottom of the guide there are variants for Bounties, Rifts, speed GRs and push GRs.

Kind of late reply but tempest rush could be played with

  1. Patterns of Justice
  2. Monkey king (sunwuko)
  3. Legacy of dreams (no set)

Currently PoJ is the best option for tempest rush.

If you are looking to play a strong, tanky, fast and fun to play build, PoJ tempest rush won’t let you down. Just follow the guides of maxroll, or watch video guides on YouTube.

Your build and items are very wrong

  1. Need Whon Kim Lau and an Ethereal for weapons
  2. Need Balance for Cube
  3. Need Ring of Grandeur in Cube
  4. Need 2 pieces of Captain Crimson’s (belt + boots) . Set item you can craft in Blacksmith
  5. Replace Rachel’s ring with Obsidian ring
  6. Reroll vitality or resist on Wrist for Cold damage
  7. Replace Way of the Hundred firsts with Epiphany - Desert Shroud
  8. Put LEFEBVRE’S SOLILOQUY shoulders in cube or Mantle of channeling
  9. Replace all dexterity gems with White gems (all resist)
  10. Get your two gems to at least 25 rank

This is the build for PURE tempest rush build (not the mystic allies + tempest rush build)
Trust me. Do these and you will see huge difference