Huge Lag Spike almost all the time

Hello all,

I play in EU server and I have huge server lag spike almost all the time when playing GR LVL above 80. I am guessing more animation/trash, it gets a lag a lot. Even worse while in a boss fight. When the boss has 20% hp left, I get a lag a next thing I see is either I am dead or the boss is dead. This is getting quite annoying. I don’t think it’s the PC issue as I have amd 3900, and Rtx 2070 also my internet speed is above 100mbps most of the time. Please let me know if you need any logs or anything, I will be glad to help you to help me with this issue.

Thank you.

Your not alone, there’s lots of people getting these. Its only been happening(at this volume) since the patch. I got 4 in an hour and I’m trying to see if anything in particular is causing it but they seem pretty random from what I’ve seen and heard others have had. Reinstalling diablo or, running in 32 bit, corrupt sound .dll file, playing with sound off, changing graphics settings haven’t worked for me but they’re some fixes that MAY remedy it for you.