The title says it all , i cant kill belial in Tor 4 and I know I need to gear up well, I only need to do part 4 of the season , the GRift, diablo in Tor 2 and 2 more I thought.
I’ll send you a Friend request (Meteorblade#2266) and give you a helping hand.
I’m logging into game now…
[ EDIT ]
You accepted my Friend request this afternoon around 15:45. A couple of minutes later, I sent you a message asking if you’d be on today so that I could help you.
- You didn’t reply.
Tonight, I saw you were logged into Diablo III (around 22:00), so I entered game and sent you a whisper asking if you were ready for me to help you with your Necro.
- You didn’t reply.
I waited ten minutes, and whispered you again.
- You didn’t reply.
I waited another five minutes or so, and whispered you again.
- You didn’t reply.
I then tried sending you a party invitation.
- The invitation timed out / was rejected.
I’m struggling to fathom how you expect to be helped if you won’t reply to someone that’s offering to give you what you asked for. Good luck with your season.
im sorry i have been afk a couple times and I always forget to look at such things, very much thanks for looking for me
I have changed couple things and when I have a bit more paragon I’m gonna try again . when I need help I warn you and then we can make appointment ?
When you still want to help when not I understand.