Ideal rolls for certain items

Hello everyone,
I would like to ask something. Every guide or youtube video that I see, suggests having specific rolls on the 2 rings and amulet. That is crit damage crit chance and cdr or elemental damage. However I am talking about three specific items, since they are used by the majority of builds now. Flavors, obsidians and compass rose. How is this possible? They always seem to drop with the same identical stats. Every time. Even if you change one at the artisan the other stats are the same worthless movement speed or armor etc. stuff that you don’t want in your rings and amulets? Is there a trick behind it ? Or do you have to keep reforging time and time again until the ideal stats appear?

Getting a well-rolled amulet, e.g. CHC / CHD / Element / Socket, is like winning the lottery precisely because they’re such an unlikely outcome. Some are easier to succeed at than others, because they have a smaller number of randomised affixes, but they’re all really difficult to get.

Most amulets will drop with main stat as a fixed affix which means to get a perfect one they need to drop with three of these additional affixes CHC / CHD / Element / Socket so that you can re-roll the main stat into the missing one of the four affixes.

Flavor of Time is even worse than Squirt’s / Hellfire / Traveller’s Pledge as its fixed affixes are CDR and Movement Speed. That means the Movement Speed is always going to be the thing you roll off so all of the other completely random affixes have to be the desired ones, i.e. Element, CHC, CHD.

With how rare the perfect items are, most people stop at acceptable items, e.g. Main Stat / CHC / CHD / Socket or Damage Range / CHC / CHD / Socket, but if you’re after a truly astonishingly good item, be prepared to craft / gamble / re-forge (tens or hundreds of) thousands of items.


Obsidian ring is probably the only item in the game which always rolls the same affixes.
Compass Rose always rolls movespeed, so same problem as flavor like Meteor described.
Leaderboards show that truly godly items of such can exist - on D3planner builds you can find impossible roll combinations though sometimes.